It takes tenacity to leave a comfortable corporate role to become your own boss. But for Cianne Van Eck Duymaer Van Twist, Director of HEILEN Wellness, moving into the world of wellness made sense particularly when she discovered more about the science-based HYPOXI method. Here Cianne shares more about Hypoxi and her own journey.
Tell us why you moved from a corporate job into wellness?
I moved from corporate into wellness for multiple reasons. Firstly, because of burnout and a lack of passion for a desk job. I also loved all things spa and pilates, and a brilliant mentor gave me the suggestion to enter small-business ownership at the right time. Small business is hard, but I LOVE what I do and wouldn’t change it for anything.
What appealed to you about HYPOXI?
More than anything – my mum’s 20 years of love and success for HYPOXI drove me to look into it, when other options haven’t been sustainable for her. I love how it’s so well-rounded and healthy, with an intimate coaching and studio environment. And the results…well those speak for themselves!
How does it work?
HYPOXI is a lifestyle program of low-impact exercise, Mediterranean-inspired nutrition, and unique vacuum + compression technology. The combination improves lymph flow and circulation to targeted sites, which helps the body metabolise stored energy in those sites (especially from waist to knees) and clean up the lymphatic system. Apart from reshaping the body (HYPOXI has been clinically proven 300% more effective at targeting cm loss then conventional diet and exercise alone), it assists with detoxing the lymph, toning the skin and muscle, eliminating excess fluid retention and bloat, muscle recovery and more.

You have turned your studio into a community for people to receive wellness treatments. Tell us more.
After owning a HYPOXI for 4 years, and teaching Pilates on the side, I found my time-poor clients loving the combination but really struggling to coordinate and travel to their various appointments and classes. They often came to me stressed out, aching or tired and overwhelmed. I built HEILEN because its a one-stop wellness sanctuary. There’s truly nothing like it. It’s a clinical/evidence based movement and practice, set in an airy relaxing spa-like setting, so clients can unwind, relax and enjoy taking care of themselves while getting at the best possible coaching and practises.

What sets you apart at HEILEN? Describe your treatments
HEILEN is unique because it offers HYPOXI and Clinical Pilates under one roof. Like the namesakes meaning, the result is clients find balance and a sense of themselves in a space that’s really hands-on, caring and passionate for our clients results. To us, a successful client is not just a weight-loss client – but someone who falls in love with exercise, stands taller, is more confident and prioritises themselves a little more. They become their own health advocates.
HYPOXI as mentioned is a program of exercise, technology and nutrition, whereas Clinical Pilates is strength, flexibility, balance and coordination- its wonderful for the brain and body. Being clinical means our instructors are trained to work with all kinds of bodies, abilities and injuries, making it more accessible and specific for individual needs. We also run regular workshops and retreats to help our clients learn to meditate, practice yoga, learn and plan for Menopause, or be introduced to local health professionals by way of clinics – where we focus on foot health with podiatrists, skin health with dermatologists, etc.
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