How One Woman Rebuilt Her Life After Finding Herself ‘Suddenly Single’.

How One Woman Rebuilt Her Life After Finding Herself 'Suddenly Single'.
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Jul 23, 2018

At the age of just 35, I found myself suddenly single, with two teenage girls, living in a caravan and with almost no money in the bank. 

I had to learn how to take control of my financial security quickly, otherwise how were the girls and I to survive?So, I researched the property market, taught myself to negotiate good finance deals with mortgage brokers and educated myself about what to look for in a good investment property. 

I also realised pretty early on, after a couple of successes, that I wanted to help other women who have found themselves in a similar situation how to create financial security by understanding the property industry. I now have a multi-million dollar property portfolio and the peace of mind that I will be safe and secure in retirement.

I want other women to be able to be the same, so I started a business to educate and help those women. 

One of the women is Jennifer, a teacher and mother of two, who found herself separated and uncertain about what she would do with her impending divorce settlement. Together, I helped Jennifer map out a long-term property investment strategy that led her to purchase three properties in three years.

Once I create a plan for a client, I then hold their hand through the entire process and beyond. I am always there for them. I want to give them peace of mind as well as a comfortable and financially secure future, and I firmly believe that property is the way to get there.

Leaving money issues to your partner to look after might seem a good idea while you are in a relationship, particularly long-term relationships, but with three in five women finding themselves dependent on a pension later in life, it is not always a secure plan when it comes to financial security.

Do you know where your money is, where it goes and or how much you actually have?

For more information about how you too can create a rosy financial future with property investment after divorce, separation or the passing of a loved one, contact

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
