Is Australia Ready For The Smart Home?

Is Australia Ready For The Smart Home?
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Oct 22, 2017

Technology today has paved way to a lot of inventions and that includes improving our home living, thus, smart home. But the question is, are we ready for it?

The thought about smart home may seem baffling but it’s actually fairly simple. This depends on a person’s goals, improving your home to a smart home can be quite affordable and even save you money over time.

Is Australia Ready For The Smart Home?

Getting started with smart home automation is not only limited to automatic lights, many innovations today involves improvement in home security systems, kitchen, living room and a lot more. A smart home is not just adding products but to get the most upgrades out of our existing home gears using cutting-edge technologies.

Australia is catching up when it comes to smart home automation. Telsyte, a research firm, reported that around 140 million smart home products will be connected to Australian households by 2021. It also forecasted that the industry will be worth nearly $5 billion. Currently, around 40% Australian homes have just one smart home device connected.

It also revealed that each household will have an average of 30.7 internet-connected devices, 14 of which will be smart-home devices. These products are smart lights, smart alarms and smart fridges – all can be controlled with smartphones.

How New Smart Home Technology Will Improve Our Lives

Australian Homes: Moving forward with Innovation

Australian telcom Telstra wants to bring smart home advances to mainstream households in partnership with iControl. They have inventively come up with a subscription called Telstra Smart Home platform which is designed to make it simple to set up.

With a 5 year deal in place with iControl, Telstra’s Smart Home Hub, a centerpiece network, is launched with 9 companion devices: from the Lockwood smart door lock through to Sengled smart bulbs, plus cameras, thermostats, motion detectors and many more.

Right now, the company offers a monthly subscription to their smart home bundle. Telstra smart home bundle is easy to set up. Also, they offer two smart home starter kit:

1.) Automation and Energy starter kit and 2.) Watch and Monitor starter kit.


We can certainly say that the world is ever evolving with technology. With the existence of smart home products, it can get you to your home of the future.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
