Green Friday Is The Sustainable Antidote To Frenzied Online Sales Events

Young Farmer's Sustainable Christmas Message
Ilona Marchetta

Sustainability & Home Editor

Nov 15, 2021

With Click Frenzy, Singles Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday hitting our calendars soon this November, the developed world is gearing up for an extended shopping binge.

While we all love a good bargain, all this frenzied consumption is the antithesis of conscious consumerism and sustainability.

‘Green Friday’ is a concept which gives mindful shoppers something to participate in while everyone else is gorging on sales from November 26-29th.

Green Friday is brought to us by the same duo behind huge ‘re-commerce’ online marketplace Releaseit, Peter Krideras (ironically, a Click Frenzy co-founder) and Stephen Kulmar.

Green Friday encourages us to shop more slowly and consciously

Green Friday is an alternative to Black Friday and Click Frenzy.

This new day encourages consumers to resist the urgency and frenzied mania of the November sales sprint and to instead slowly (and consciously) peruse Australia’s sustainable and ethical brands such as Flora & Fauna, The World’s Biggest Garage Sale, Frank Green, Releaseit, Glamcorner and The Well Store.

Each collaborating brand is forging ethically-curated specials or initiatives during the 4-day period. For example, Flora & Fauna will donate $1 from every order placed on the Friday to plant trees with Greenfleet and regenerate Australian native forests.

Yasmin Grigaliunas, CEO and Co-Founder of The World’s Biggest Garage Sale says: “Our mission is to change hearts and minds about the value of dormant goods and within that, challenge consumers to shop mindfully, consciously and sustainably. We know that it is the time of year for shopping up a storm and stocking up on gifts, but if every person just took one second to rethink and to purchase one secondhand gift, just imagine the positive impact we could have on the planet and on our wallets.”

Peter Krideras commented on his association with the movement he’s now trying to buck, saying: “For me, the last few years have been about developing a future solution, hence my focus on re-commerce businesses. I can’t claim to have all the answers or that we even have the perfect model, I’m just trying to do my bit and events like Green Friday are a start in the right direction.”

If you’d like more information about Green Friday, visit here.  

For more from The Carousel on sustainability, visit here.

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Ilona Marchetta

Ilona Marchetta is The Carousel's Home and Sustainability Editor. She is a change manager and journalist specialising in sustainability. Ilona is passionate about slow and mindful living, from fashion to interiors to beauty and self care.


By Ilona Marchetta

Sustainability & Home Editor

Ilona Marchetta is The Carousel's Home and Sustainability Editor. She is a change manager and journalist specialising in sustainability. Ilona is passionate about slow and mindful living, from fashion to interiors to beauty and self care.



The Carousel
