Don’t Miss The Last Full Moon For The Year

blue moon
Rose Smith


Dec 06, 2022

The Strawberry moon Signals Reflection but also celebration ….

We’re in for a lunar treat on Thursday… with 2023’s final full moon rising in Gemini – encouraging all of us to reflect on the year that’s past, but then express ourselves and celebrate.

While the full Strawberry Moon (December 8th) centres around reflection and looking ahead as the year comes to a close, it’s also a time to “let loose”.

Gemini has a dual nature, represented by twins, so I would urge people to balance thoughts of the past, present, and future.

As the last full moon of the year, it’s a time for detailed reflection – but we need to use the moon’s energy in a positive way. Reflect on achievements and obstacles this year, and all the lessons you have learned.

Then focus on a new direction, new beginnings and a new cycle moving forward. And don’t forget to celebrate! It may have been a tough year for many, so now is the time to sit back, relax and let your hair down.

The sign of Gemini will dictate the energy during the full Strawberry Moon and as a mutable sign, Gemini’s curiosity and playfulness means we’ll probably all be feeling the need to express our true selves.

There will likely be real cognitive effects for everyone during the event, but especially for Geminis and other mutable signs Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Communication will be highlighted, and because the full moon can be disruptive or turbulent with a lot of ideas coming through at once, this time is about thinking, with brilliant flashes of insight – people should definitely be paying attention.

Full moons also represent release and manifestation in astrology and December’s full moon is directly related to its timing as the last full moon before the new year ahead, so it’s a time of releasing the past.

The moon likes privacy – it’s important to have plenty of alone time, space in your own home, and make sure you are comfortable, safe and secure.

Full moons have special names based on the conditions of the environment around them during the time the full moon takes place.

In the southern hemisphere, the full moon in December is known as the Strawberry Moon because it indicates the ripening of fruits (in this case strawberries). I have been growing strawberries and have enjoyed my first harvest. In the northern hemisphere it’s known as the Cold Moon to mark winter.

Not only will this month’s full moon be the last full moon of 2022, but it will also be the last full moon before the arrival of the Summer Solstice on December 22nd.

The summer solstice occurs once a year when the sun’s track across the Australian sky reaches its highest point. It is the day that has the most daylight hours of any day in the year.

Jupiter is also going into Aries on December 20th – and this is the first time it had done so in 12 years.

We could expect a lot more energy, more spontaneity, action and impulsiveness.

Everything Jupiter touches gets bigger, and all Aries qualities are action-oriented, with new enterprises, new businesses and independence. 2023 will be a year for new beginnings with Aries beginning the cycle.

Look back to 2010-2011 and you could find repeating patterns of energy. Whether that be a new job, a baby or something could substantially change based on what you were doing back then.

What does the full Strawberry Moon have in store for your star sign?

Aries (March 21 to April 19): Spontaneous ideas and communications could fly out of your quick mouth… so do be mindful of what you say now. Ideas and words can spread like a bushfire so ensure that it’s the type of bushfire that does good! Siblings, cousins, distant family or neighbours may be involved here. Your emotions might also colour things like study, projects, planning and marketing. This can be a good thing because you can come across as authentic and genuine. You probably appreciate people who listen to you and who are similarly inclined. Mars and the moon are close so you can use your intuition this month to come out on top if you’re careful with how you use your considerable energy.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): The moon in Gemini brings up communications and ideas about your finances. You may be inclined to view any money issues from a strictly logical point of view or alternatively form an overly emotional point of view. Balance is what’s important here – you need both comfort and logic. There’s a possible tendency to cling too tightly to past beliefs when reflecting on your financial situation. How is this serving you? Is it time to let go of all that doesn’t raise you up to where you belong? Although you like to stay comfortable, sometimes change requires stepping out onto a new platform… you can do this with stability if you open your mind and your heart together.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): How you present yourself to the greater world could change this month. You may become more ‘out there’ in your appearance or in your language. You may have something important to say and it’s time to get your message out. You’ll feel better when you do so. People will be able to relate to what you’re saying and perhaps you feel more sympathetic to their situation now too. You’re likely to ‘wear your heart on your sleeve’ which is a refreshing change in this sometimes-fake world. As the full moon is in your sign gorgeous Gemini, it could be quite impactful with important consequences. Your communications bring results so it’s best to think before putting mouth in gear.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): Dear Compassionate Cancer… you may need some time this month to yourself… it’s called ‘me time’! Self-reflection can stand you in good stead as you figure out what you want to do for the next cycle. All these emotions confused with logic can be a bit of a burden at times, so avoiding life’s distractions, devices and deviations will help. Pay attention to your dreams and the little brain flashes you may receive in the daytime – these are messages for you waiting to be decoded. You may also feel more sympathy for others now, particularly those who are in hospital or in some type of institutionalised setting such as a parent in aged care. Soon you will burst back out into the world.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): You could make new friends this month or strengthen your existing relationships in some way. It’s time for socialising, networking and forming connections which will assist you in all manner of ways down the track. There are lots of brilliant ideas coming to you from others and communications are likely to be lively and encouraging, especially with those engaging in intellectual pursuits. Venus may also want you to eat sweet things, especially when you’re out gallivanting about town, so do call a halt on this and overeating generally. Some relationships could also be rather tense… watch your mouth doesn’t have a mind of its own which could result in further frustration.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): A plethora of communications and ideas around your reputation and career is on offer. You probably will attain a higher public profile, or you become well known for the work that you do. Emotions in your place of work might show but this could work out well… people realise you’re genuine and you could gain respect as a result. Interactions with a parent may be more emotional so do try to find a balance with some logic here. You could work better with the general public now, so it’s a fine time to raise your public profile or profession using promotions or marketing. Mars is giving you energy to channel into various projects, however, do watch for arguments and irritability.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): Earlier travels may be on your mind and could perhaps influence you to travel again! You might plan a trip! You may also pick up old beliefs and interests you thought had died some time ago. Go with the flow, there is still much learning and inspiration there and the past can serve you to expand your horizons. Languages, study or spirituality might also strongly feature this cycle. You may also have more interest in faraway locales or in people who are quite different to you, especially if they have a foreign background. If you can’t travel soon, then go to a foreign restaurant and mix up your routine a bit to add extra excitement into your life. You can be enlivened and rejuvenated now.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): Deep emotions are calling you now, go slowly and you will probably find that it’s ok to feel what you feel. There’s likely to be some emotional conversations about shared finances or other assets such as taxes, loans or superannuation. Intimacy could be similarly affected nonetheless these are topics that need to be brought out into the open. Although your trust may have been dented in the past, you may find it liberating to air some secrets or dirty linen to trustworthy confidants. Choose them wisely! Mars isn’t very friendly just now and could be pushing you to achieve more adding impatience or frustration into the mix. Take a deep breath and practise peacefulness now.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): The full moon is at work in your committed relationships and women could also feature strongly. You probably need some time to think about how your relationships work and if they fulfil your needs. There could also be discussions about this and perhaps some new ideas about how they could work in the future. It’s ok to change the rules between you and your partner. It’s also ok to become emotional about these changes, just add in some logic at the appropriate points. Perhaps think about your independence, which doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a relationship but rather the beginning of a new type of relationship that is fulfilling to you both.

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): Your daily routines might be called to your attention now. Perhaps you’re thinking about how to improve your health or wellbeing and decide it’s time to rid yourself of some unhelpful habits that eventually bring drudgery. Or work could be getting you down and it’s time for a change? Take time for some self-reflection and inner communication to figure out what you can do to bring vitality or extra energy back into your everyday life. Women might be able to assist now, or the roles are reversed, and you assist them in some way. Allow your feelings to fuel your desire for change for they are not your enemy – they can help you through any dissonance you might encounter now.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): Wow what a creative time this could be for you! You can draw on your ingenious subconscious energy to make your life what you wish in any number of ways. Perhaps, you fancy some romance or more fun? What about creative problem solving? You can do that! Leisure and pleasure… no problem… I’ll have two! Get in touch with the subconscious forces that are driving you around in the vehicle that is your body. Inner conversations with different parts of yourself can help you to bring fun, laughter and love to enliven your life. You could also live closer to the world of the child whether this happens through actual children or your own inner child who needs to be heard.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): Your family and/or home might be firmly on your agenda this cycle. There’s bound to be lots of communications with family perhaps pertaining to the home situation. You may decide to change something major around your home and with brilliant ideas coming up, why not? Buying or selling might also feature too. For some this may present challenges in decision making as emotional ties to the past are difficult to let go of. For others it might be childhood beliefs that are holding them back in some way. As an adult it’s fine to release belief systems which no longer serve your highest good. The power of women is also strong, and your mother may have a part to play in your belief systems.

Rose Smith

Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets.


By Rose Smith


Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets.



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