6 Simple Ways to Incorporate More Exercise and Movement Into Your Day

Mia Barnes

Health Writer

Aug 09, 2024

Does it seem like the clock strikes bedtime each day before you even have time to consider working out? Staying fit while juggling career and family responsibilities isn’t easy. You need practical tips to get more exercise into your routine.

Fortunately, hitting your activity goals is often a matter of making wiser choices. Here are six simple ways to incorporate more exercise and movement into your day.

1. Play With Your Kids

Taking your kids to the park provides health perks for you both. Did you know that 20% of children are obese? Encouraging exercise and movement from a young age instills a healthy habit for life. You can squeeze in a workout while your little one plays by chasing them around or using playground equipment to do the following moves:

  • Perform step-ups and triceps dips on the bench.
  • Speed-walk around the track.
  • Do pullups and knee lifts on the monkey bars.

2. Take a Walk

Walking might be the least expensive exercise form. Simply lace up your tennis shoes and hit the road! You can even keep fit on vacation with this method. When planning your itinerary, look up a map and find walking routes to various attractions. This will help keep you moving, and you’ll save a small fortune on Uber.

3. Or a Dip

Swimming is a great exercise form for those with chronic pain. The water supports much of your body weight, making it easier on your joints while providing natural resistance. Plus, you have to shower, anyway — why not do so at the Y while you’re already wet? 

4. Tidy Up

You also have to clean your house. Did you know that 30 minutes of vacuuming can burn over 100 calories if you weigh more than 125 pounds? After vacuuming, use that old-fashioned elbow grease to scrub your tub and get an upper body workout while making your porcelain sparkle. 

5. Master the Basics 

You don’t need a fancy gym. Once you master a few basic moves, you can get in a workout anytime and anywhere. Put the following on your to-do list, hone your technique by hiring a trainer once or twice, then perform them in your living room during commercial breaks: 

  • Squats 
  • Pushups
  • Bicycle crunches 
  • Lunges
Mia Barnes

Mia Barnes is s regular contributor for The Carousel and Women Love Tech about healthy living, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online publication, Body+Mind magazine.


By Mia Barnes

Health Writer

Mia Barnes is s regular contributor for The Carousel and Women Love Tech about healthy living, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online publication, Body+Mind magazine.



The Carousel
