Peter Dinklage Tells Tales About Melissa McCarthy

Bianca Spendlove

Lifestyle Writer

Apr 13, 2016

You will also get a little inside into Michelle Darnell’s lifelong nemesis Renault from Peter, popular for his role on Game Of Thrones.

In the new film The Boss, Melissa McCarthy plays the character of Michelle Darnell, one of the richest women in America, who suddenly loses everything when she gets caught inside trading and ends up in jail.

She then moves in with her assistant, single mum Claire played by Kristen Bell, and sets out to reinvent herself. However, her capitalistic brain gets the better of her and she decides to start a ‘brownie empire’; she causes trouble by poaching girls from a Girl Guides group called the ‘Dandelions’ to sell Brownies under the name of ‘Darnell’s Darlings’. In a traditional plot twist, while she is on the road to rebuilding her fortune not everyone she has screwed over is as quick to forgive and forget but overall she learns some lessons about trust in the end.

Los Angeles CA 1 6 2016 People s Choice Awards 2016 Press Room at Microsoft Theatre L A Live PICTURED Melissa McCarthy PHOTO by Kyle Rover startraksphoto com KRL66521 Editorial Rights Managed Image Please contact www startraksphoto com for licensing fee Startraks Photo New York NY For licensing please call 212 414 9464 or email sales startraksphoto com Startraks Photo reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this image If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for actual damages loss of income and profits you derive from the use of this image and where appropriate the cost of collection and or statutory damages
Melissa McCarthy plays the character of Michelle Darnell in The Boss

Ben Falcone, director of the film and real-life husband to McCarthy, also appears in the film as Darnell’s lawyer. This is not the first time the real life couple have paired up to work together. They wrote, produced and directed Tammy.

Actor Peter Dinklage in Game Of Thrones
Actor Peter Dinklage in Game Of Thrones

Michelle Darnell’s old love interest and now arch nemesis/business rival is Renault played by Peter Dinklage, famous for his role as Tyrion Lannister in Game Of Thrones. Funnily enough he has a sword fight with McCarthy’s character in the film. Sword fights must be somewhat of a mandatory requirement with Dinklage and his character roles. Check out the video for an inside look into his role in The Boss.

Bianca Spendlove

Bianca is a British actress who has always had an interest beauty, fashion and lifestyle, being surrounded by makeup artists most days inspired her to take note of the top tips and trends used in the industry. She loves to write in her own time and to document her travels.


By Bianca Spendlove

Lifestyle Writer

Bianca is a British actress who has always had an interest beauty, fashion and lifestyle, being surrounded by makeup artists most days inspired her to take note of the top tips and trends used in the industry. She loves to write in her own time and to document her travels.



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