Today it’s Keto. Yesterday it was Paleo. The day before, carnivore. Tomorrow it will be eating only fruit. The day after, no fruit.
The list of ways promising to help you lose weight grows daily. Is it any wonder that Aussies looking to lose weight have a case of serious whiplash?!
Rather than conflicting claims and baseless promises, we know weight loss should follow the science.
A recent analysis of over 10,300 CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet Fast Start members has found that meal replacement shakes are a proven alternative to weight loss gains, with an impressive 98% losing weight in 12 weeks.
The weight loss data is nothing to sneeze at. More specifically, three quarters of members lost five per cent or more of their starting body weight, and one in five lost 10 per cent or more.
This level of weight loss is classified as clinically significant, meaning it is enough to reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
The analysis also revealed that 28% of people shifted out of the obese category after 12 weeks, and 31 per cent after 24 weeks.
The Fast Start offering starts with partial meal replacements. After three weeks, members transition to the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet’s whole foods meal plan for the remainder of the program.
CSIRO Total Wellbeing Dietitian, Nicole Pritchard said the data shows just how important the first three weeks are to sustaining the behaviour change required to lose weight, and keep it off.
“Many people don’t know where to start when it comes to losing weight so feeling adequately supported during the early weeks is really important in maintaining motivation and staying the course.
“When your clothes fit better, you see the numbers dropping on the scales and you have more energy, you’re more motivated to stick with it”.
The study found that when meal replacements were used within a supportive framework – where transitioning to a wholefoods diet was the goal – people learnt to eat well and build healthier habits for longer term behaviour change.
“The more we learn, the more we see that there is no one-size-fits all approach to healthy weight loss. Fast Start provides the added support that people need to start strong and cement the new habits that will last them a lifetime,” said Nicole.
Top tips for kickstarting, and staying motivated in your weight loss journey:
1. Cut through the confusion
Be discerning and do your research. Look for options that are backed by science, such as the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet. This helps you avoid falling for quick fixes and fads that may not be effective or safe.
2. Find the journey that works for you
Weight loss isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Exploring alternatives options like Fast Start are a great way to find a pathway that suits you best.
3. Be real about your goals and expectations
Reflect on past experiences and think about what you really want to achieve and why. Motivation from within is crucial. Set realistic goals and understand your reasons for wanting to lose weight. This clarity will help keep you motivated.
4. Plan and prepare your week ahead
This tip is critical. Take time to plan your meals, shopping, and exercise for the week. Life can change, but weight loss success doesn’t have to! A goal without a plan leads to problems. Being prepared helps you stay on track even when life gets busy.
5. Remind yourself of your bigger goals
It’s easy to get bogged down in the daily grind. Keep reminding yourself of your bigger goals and what motivated you to start this journey. Create an inspiration board with visual references to keep you positively motivated, such as photos of friends and family, a special event you’re looking forward to, or cherished memories.
6. Connect with your community
Sharing your experiences with others can significantly boost your motivation. Join a forum or social media group like the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Facebook group where you can share your journey and hear from others.
Find out more about the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet’s Fast Start offering by heading to