We have said good-bye to 2022. Phew. What a year that was.
Are we setting New Year Resolutions, or has the pressure of the pandemic caused us to think about things we are grateful for, and make room for more of that. Hopefully you were able to control the Christmas chaos and now you’re ready to press the reset button for 2023. Here are my top suggestions to do so!

Create a Gratitude or Vision Board
Ask yourself ‘What am I grateful for?’ or ‘What/Where/How can I create more space for gratitude?’
Use paper clippings or magazine cut outs, photos or even print things from the Internet. Place them on cardboard or a canvas with glue, and use it as daily inspiration to set your intention and your goals. Create your board with love and nurturing.
You may wish to manifest things for the future, with wishes and dreams on your vision board as well. The world is literally your oyster, go get your dreams. If you are not crafty or do not have any magazines or clippings around, simply write things down. Release to the universe that way.
You never know what the universe has in store for you. So put forward what you desire and watch it all unfold. Be patient, it may take time. The Universe works to its own pace, not yours.

Find Your Mantra
Create a mantra for yourself and repeat it many times a day. It might be something like, “I am at peace with my mind” or “I am grateful for everyone and everything in my life”.
Two of my favourites are:
‘What you believe is what you will receive’
‘Where your attention goes, is where your energy flows’

Be grateful that your body moves that way that it does. Use your energy wisely, release those endorphins. Whatever brings you the most joy – do that.

Whatever your thing is – did you know that this is also meditation? Yep, it sure is. When you focus on one thing at a time, that is meditation.

Speak Kindly
Look at yourself in the mirror and say ‘I am so grateful to be here’ or ‘I am beautiful’. These words will boost your self esteem and draw more kindness into your life, and even more to be grateful for.

Eat Nutritious Food
Be grateful for your body. What you put into your body is what you can expect to feel. If something is not sitting well with you perhaps eliminate it and try something else. There is much goodness out there with food.
Let’s make 2023 about feeling good and being grateful – because we all deserve it.