Online Hypnotherapy That Works

Lucy Broadbent


Jan 04, 2023

Mick Barratt still can’t believe it.  He is on his feet again and back at work after eighteen years of chronic back pain.

 “After all these years dealing with pain, in and out of hospitals, operations, neurologists, pain specialists and then I talk to this woman online, and it stops after one session. I’m still thinking ‘Surely, it can’t be that simple?” says Mick, 56, a health and safety director, living in Watford, UK.

Mick turned to online hypnotherapy after his pain specialist had run out of ideas to help him.  He suffered from failed back surgery syndrome, which manifested as severe back spasms which were often so bad, he’d collapse and be hospitalized for long periods. The pain was so severe that for many months, all he could do was lie in bed.  Then his wife suggested online hypnotherapy, and everything changed.

Mick Barratt and his wife

“After only one online session, I got up as normal.  I drove to the recycling centre to drop some things off. I picked up my mother-in-law. I went shopping with my wife.  I got to the end of the day, and thought ‘Hold on, I can’t usually do all that’. A week later, I still hadn’t had a single spasm. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have met Helen.”

Helen Louvieris is a renowned hypnotherapist who has helped people all over the world overcome a wide range of issues. After more than fifteen years in practice, picking up a reputation as someone who can really make a difference in people’s lives, she has helped overcome fears, phobias, and addictions, she’s relieved symptoms of anxiety, stress, and some medical conditions – she has even helped one woman who had trouble staying pregnant, have a baby.

 But perhaps most impressive of all, is her record in chronic pain relief and management, which works as well via a computer as it does in person. “Hypnosis has many proven, scientifically sound applications, all of it backed up by scientific studies,” Helen explains.  “It can seem like magic because you can see results relatively quickly, but it’s important to know that it’s a process.”

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That process, which involves a combination of hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming and other techniques, is concentrated over five sessions in which Helen encourages thought patterns to respond differently to habitual and behavioural situations.  “Our minds work on two levels – the conscious and the unconscious,” she explains. “We make decisions, think, and act with our conscious mind. The unconscious mind controls our moods, habits, and behaviour. In the relaxed state known as hypnosis, we can communicate directly with the unconscious mind to achieve lasting change.”

A growing body of medical professionals are now recommending hypnotherapy to their patients because of its effectiveness.  Scientists are even able to measure its profound impact on pain by recording the brain activity of patients in MRI conditions while they are hypnotised.

“Most people have heard of hypnosis being a useful tool to help people stop smoking and lose weight. I’ve helped many clients this way.  But hypnotherapy has many other benefits including medical,” she explains, adding that she had one client with Multiple Sclerosis whose pain was reduced so dramatically by hypnotherapy that she was able to sleep through the night for the first time in years and greatly reduce her medication. Another client no longer suffers from migraines after nearly sixty years of experiencing them.

 “I also get so many referrals from dentists.  I have helped many clients who were frightened of going or couldn’t stop grinding their teeth.”


The great advantage of hypnotherapy is that it is entirely natural and safe.  It is also as effective online, using Facetime or Zoom, as it is in person.

But Helen cautions that there is work which her clients must also do to help themselves for it to be effective.  “I ask my clients to practice my techniques between sessions as part of their daily routine, and to carry on after they have stopped seeing me. These become tools which my clients have for the rest of their lives to maintain their success. These are the tools which will continue to work.”

Helen Louvieris

Helen Louvieris is a fully qualified, registered, and experienced hypnotherapist who has clients around the world. You can get in touch with Helen at

Lucy Broadbent

Lucy Broadbent is a British author and journalist based in Los Angeles. She has written about some extraordinary people, many of them Hollywood’s most famous, as well as writing reportage as it relates to social and cultural reality. She was also a travel editor. She has had two novels published, one of which was short-listed for a prize. She is a contributor to The Carousel, Women Love Tech, The Los Angeles Times, The London Times, The Sunday Times, The Telegraph, Stella, Style, The Daily Mail, Marie Claire (US, UK, Australian editions), Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Net-A-Porter, and Happy Ali


By Lucy Broadbent


Lucy Broadbent is a British author and journalist based in Los Angeles. She has written about some extraordinary people, many of them Hollywood’s most famous, as well as writing reportage as it relates to social and cultural reality. She was also a travel editor. She has had two novels published, one of which was short-listed for a prize. She is a contributor to The Carousel, Women Love Tech, The Los Angeles Times, The London Times, The Sunday Times, The Telegraph, Stella, Style, The Daily Mail, Marie Claire (US, UK, Australian editions), Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Net-A-Porter, and Happy Ali



The Carousel
