Fiver 4 A Survivor – How You Can Help Victims Of Coercive Control

Fiver For A Survivor
Shonagh Walker

Lifestyle Writer

Jun 24, 2021

Fiver 4 a Survivor is a campaign run by registered charity Safe Haven Community. All funds raised will go towards building a secure safe house to help move women and children experiencing domestic abuse into more stable, longer term accommodation. 

The idea behind the drive is to ask Aussies to donate $5 a week to help build the safe house for survivors of coercive control.

Fiver For A Survivor Drive

Safe Haven Community has announced that all funds raised by its Fiver 4 a Survivor campaign will go towards building a secure safe house to help move women and children experiencing domestic abuse into more stable, longer term accommodation. 
“We are the charity that has run quietly under the radar for six years now, helping survivors of coercive control before most people in the community even knew what the terms meant,” said Safe Haven Community CEO Jaeneen Cunningham.  “Safe Haven Community are at the forefront of supporting women and children fleeing domestic abuse with crisis accommodation.  Our service is saving lives and making a huge difference directly to survivors.”

How It Works

Fiver 4 a Survivor asks people to donate just $5 per week for 52 weeks – that’s just $260.  All of these funds will go directly towards the Safe Haven Safe House build. 

Safe Haven Community survives entirely on the goodwill of the community and does not receive any government funding.  Across Australia there are around 7.2 million spare rooms in people’s homes.  Safe Haven Community maintains a registry of security vetted community members that donate their rooms to women experiencing domestic abuse who need a safe place to stay. 
Safe Haven Community’s Fiver 4 A Survivor campaign has already raised over $21 000, which will help provide 380 women and children with 1280 nights of safe and secure accommodation.

Donations can be made directly to the charity and are of course tax deductible.

Shonagh Walker

Shonagh Walker is a multi-award-winning lifestyle writer and author specialising in beauty, health, fashion, travel, pets and animals. Her career spans over 30 years, and she can't recall a day during that time, where she hasn't been excited to get to work!


By Shonagh Walker

Lifestyle Writer

Shonagh Walker is a multi-award-winning lifestyle writer and author specialising in beauty, health, fashion, travel, pets and animals. Her career spans over 30 years, and she can't recall a day during that time, where she hasn't been excited to get to work!



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