Do you feel like no matter how much you do, there is always so much more to do? Do you feel like it’s only a matter of time before you drop one of the balls and forget something or let yourself or someone else down? In this state, you’re constantly in survival mode, completely caught up in the hustle and bustle of modern life. Each day feels like a race just to get through to the end, not to stuff up, while barely keeping it all together. Yet, somehow, along the way, you expect yourself to be calm, present, focused, productive and rational and do your best despite what life throws your way.
Move past survival mode
Being in a constant mode of survival is no fun; you are always on the lookout, on high alert, highly strung, and stuck in the reactive nature of the here and now. I was intimately familiar with this state. I also knew my story was not mine alone, and it served as an important reminder that even those who appear to have it all together can battle internal struggles in silence. By taking proactive steps forward, even if they were small, I could begin to break free from stagnation and feel empowered and energised.
Having counselled and coached countless individuals through their own struggles, I knew I possessed a wealth of knowledge and insight that could benefit me in my current phase of life and serve as a beacon of hope for others. With each person I had helped over the years, I had gained invaluable insights into the intricacies of the human psyche, and now it was time to apply that wisdom to my own life. I knew that by using my journey and the lessons I learned along the way, I could find a way to inspire others to reap the benefits of transforming their mindsets for optimal daily living.
Start your day right
This realisation prompted me to question how our brains could be primed for greatness at the start of the day, when they are at their most malleable. Before being distracted by the challenges of the day, how could we activate and optimise our brain in a way that helps us to thrive? I started to explore the daily rituals of high-performing professionals. Through research into existing morning routines and beyond, I identified a gap: the absence of a reliable, science-backed method to prime the brain at the start of the day, to foster daily productivity and happiness.
I felt a genuine renewed sense of purpose and determination, and set out to develop an effective, simple and practical approach to a morning formula. It would not only nourish my mindset but also empower me to break free from the constant cycle of survival. This led to the development of my 5Qs Formula, and during this process I underwent my own transformation. After a long time, I finally experienced a profound sense of internal alignment, harmonising both my heart and head. I did the deep inner work to develop my impact, cultivate emotional connection, find balance, maintain rational thinking even during high pressure and stress, and embrace my inner strength. Importantly, once developed, I knew I could then pass on this formula to others.
As I worked through the process of developing and fine-tuning the formula, leaning heavily into psychology, neuroscience and my leadership experience, I knew that its principles were not just meant for me alone; they were meant to be shared with the world. Each insight gained from my years of counselling, mentoring and coaching hundreds of individuals became the building block, a cornerstone in the foundation of this transformative formula.
Introducing the 5Qs formula
The 5Qs Formula is a science-backed, proven formula to prime the brain, unlock the full potential within and cultivate an intentional and optimistic mindset to maximise daily productivity and happiness. The formula derives its name from its five core questions, each designed to catalyse self-reflection, priming, accountability and daily personal growth. The 5Qs Formula helps you do more of what matters, magnifies your joy and helps you be 5 per cent better each day.
You can think of the 5Qs Formula as a compass that guides you through the vast sea of daily life. By starting your day with taking stock of your emotional state (question one), acknowledging the winds of gratitude (question two), assessing your current position and trajectory (question three), plotting your course with specific goals (question four) and finally setting sail with intention and purpose (question five), you ensure that you’re steering towards your desired direction for the day ahead. Without this intentional navigation at the outset of your day, you risk drifting aimlessly or being at the mercy of the external currents.
By starting the day with the 5Qs Formula, you can gain a clear sense of direction, empowerment and resilience, enabling you to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities with clarity and purpose.

The five questions in the formula:
• Question 1: What is your emotional temperature, and what are you feeling today?
• Question 2, parts A and B: What experiences, things or people in your life are you grateful for because they inspire you to be a better version of yourself? Think of a time you have received gratitude and appreciation from someone; how did it make you feel?
• Question 3: What is working well for you right now, and what could be working better for you?
• Question 4: What three things do you want to achieve today?
• Question 5: Finally, how will you show up today?
Through focusing on these questions, the 5Qs Formula provides a reliable, science-backed solution to prime your brain to address productivity issues, energy stagnation and interpersonal communication issues. And it only takes five minutes a day! Ultimately, these five minutes spent priming your brain can help you lead a more fulfilling and successful life.
Edited extract from Productivity Joy ($32.95) by psychologist Simi Rayat. Visit