The health and fitness tips the Duchess swears by. Five rules to follow for a royal figure!
Mother, wife, fashion icon, Duchess of Cambridge Kate’s many roles have got us wondering how on earth she does it. Despite her many ‘hats’ and a job that involves non-stop public appearances and travel, Kate’s figure has remained taut, toned and athletic. Here, we discover the five diet and fitness rules she swears by for a perfect regal figure.
Embrace the great outdoors
While she may have extravagant gyms and personal trainers at her disposal Kate adopts a simple, down-to-earth mantra when it comes to fitness: embrace the great outdoors. The Duchess loves rowing, a sport she became involved in at college. Rowing is an excellent strengthening and cardio workout, which Kate could credit for the toned arms she showed off in an array of sundresses during her trip to Australia. Rowing is also excellent for posture, encouraging strong back muscles and delivering a regal stature.
Eat more protein
It’s believed Kate’s mother Carole Middleton encouraged her daughter to adopt French eating plan the Dukan Diet in preparation for her royal wedding. And while Kate stunned onlookers with her petite figure in an Alexander McQueen wedding gown, it is thought she still practices some of Dukan’s health principles to stay toned and slim. The Dukan Diet, also known now as the princess diet, is based on four phases: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilisation. In the stabilisation phase, dieters must have protein day once a week and eat oat bran every day. Kate reportedly prefers a balanced diet of lean meats, seafood and lots of vegetables.
Schedule an hour of power
Kate is said to be highly disciplined and hits the gym for one hour each day, focusing on toning weight exercises. Her typical workout is rumoured to include High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which involves short bursts of high energy exercise to maximise time. HIIT is often referred to as the busy woman’s workout, as research shows you can achieve more progress in 15 minutes of interval training, three times per week, than one hour of jogging. What’s more, interval training kicks your body’s repair cycle into overdrive, meaning more calories continue to burn after the workout.
Take an active holiday
During their rare downtime, Kate and William opt for active holidays often on the ski field. Even on a beach holiday, Kate has been known to regularly swim or play tennis. Those close to the royal couple say exercise isn’t a chore for them; it’s seen as social and fun. Maintaining this active mindset and ensuring exercise is part of everyday life is a really strong message to takeaway, and possibly the reason Kate’s weight remains stable and healthy.
Treat yourself
Not one for extreme long-term diets or deprivation, Kate believes in allowing herself treats every now and then. She occasionally indulges her sweet tooth- Haribo Starmix is rumoured to be her favourite. A recent study by the University of Melbourne has found that restrictive diets often fail because of a hormone release which makes dieters feel like they’re constantly hungry, causing them to become obsessive about treats. Kate’s down-to-earth attitude means she never feels like she’s missing out on her favourite foods or needs to binge. Her motto is simple: enjoy eating food that nourishes your body and eat in moderation. Don’t be afraid to reward yourself!
By Sophie Miura
Exclusive: Get Yoga Fit With David Beckham’s Aussie Fitness Guru
This post was last modified on 15/02/2022 12:57 pm