At this very moment in time, 7 billion people live on this planet. Every minute that goes by, 267 new lives are brought into this world. By the time you’ve finished watching this video, over 1000 babies will have been born, with one crucial problem – our planet can’t keep up. So how can we make a much-needed change? What small steps can we take as individuals to give our planet the fighting chance it needs?
Internet sensation Alli Speed has teamed up with youth experts Contiki to chat with sustainability wonder woman Celine Cousteau (yes, that Cousteau) to talk about what small and mindful steps we can each take to help keep the world a beautiful place for hundreds of years to come.
Alli and Celine caught up at the Duke of Cambridge, London’s only certified organic pub. In this video, Celine shares her top tips and small changes we can all make to live and travel more sustainably along with her top five destinations to experience some of the best sustainable practises around the world.
Contiki, in partnership with The TreadRight Foundation has actively been involved with sustainable travel and launched their Contiki Cares programme to follow on from its other incredible and sustainably-minded projects in Costa Rica, Galapagos Islands and Mexico.
How are you going to make small changes in your world to help create a sustainable planet for our future generations? Tell us in the comments below…