5 Top Tips For Decluttering While Stuck At Home In Iso

Kirsty Farrugia and Amy Revell of The Art of Decluttering give us their top tips to get your home in order.

When you’re at home, especially for long periods of time like we are at the moment, it’s a great chance to declutter. You may look around and be stuck on where to start so here are 5 tips on areas that you can tackle in just a couple of hours along with some of our podcast episodes that will give further tips.

Kirsty Farrugia (left) and Amy Revell (right) of The Art of Decluttering

Board Games

Our families have both been playing more board games than usual during isolation and it’s a great chance to see which games you just never choose to play. If there are games your kids have outgrown or your family doesn’t enjoy, take this opportunity to donate them to a friend with younger kids or offer them to someone via a local Facebook group.

Listen to the episode here.

Linen Cupboard

In ‘normal’ life it’s not often you find yourself with a couple of hours free to sort through the linen cupboard, but isolation provides the perfect opportunity. For this we suggest taking everything out, sorting it into piles of like items (so single sheets together, beach towels together etc) and once you have everything sorted, have a think about how many of each item you actually need. Perhaps the single sheets are for the spare bed, so one set is enough? Once you’ve decluttered what you don’t need, organise the linen cupboard so the items you need most are easily accessible and the less used items can go a little higher or out of reach.

Listen to the episode here.


Whenever we do client pantry sessions, so much out of date food is thrown away. While you’re in isolation, why not go through your pantry and find the items that are nearing their used by date and use them in cooking or baking this week. Using what you already have instead of throwing things out will potentially save you hundreds of dollars over a year.

Listen to the episode here.

Glasses and Mugs

Next time you go to pour yourself a glass or wine or make a cup of tea, take a moment to assess how many glasses or mugs you have that you never seem to reach for. If you have mugs that hate drinking from or wine glasses that are ugly, this is a great time to declutter those from your collection.

Listen to the episode here.

Outside Toys

Does your backyard look like a childcare centre? Are there multiple ride on toys, sandpit toys strewn around, trampoline, cubby, balls everywhere and yet your kids aren’t excited by going out to play? While everyone is home more than usual you’ll get a good idea of the outside toys your kids actually enjoy. Take time next time you’re outside to remove any broken toys and toys they don’t use anymore so there is more space to play with the things they do love.

Listen to the episode here.

Check out the other episodes from The Art of Decluttering here.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.

This post was last modified on 01/05/2020 10:12 am

The Carousel: The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.
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