Visiting the islands of Tahiti will create memories through amazing experiences that cannot be had anywhere else in the world.
The natural beauty, the animal diversity, and the cultural heritage are so rich, that it’s impossible to do everything in a short amount of time.
But here are 8 things you really must tick off before the holiday is over!
1. Visit Papeete Municipal Market
The municipal market at the centre of Papeete is where you find delicious and exotic fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, beautiful flowers, and of course vanilla and monoï . You will also be able to buy typical handmade products from the four archipelagos such as carvings, tifaifai patchwork quilts, jewellery, pareos (local sarongs), or musical instruments. If you want to enjoy it at its best, you should go on Sunday, quite early when it’s not too crowded.

2. Spend at least one night in an overwater bungalow
I’m pretty sure it was already on your To-Do list, as it’s probably one of the first ideas that comes to mind when thinking about a place like Tahiti, but I still had to mention it, just in case!

3. Go snorkelling or scuba diving
The islands of Tahiti have one of the most incredible underwater landscapes on the planet. Divers from all around the world come to admire the density of large marine life. Regular encounters include manta rays whose gigantic wingspan eclipses the passing diver, friendly dolphins, giant turtles, many different shark species, and majestic whales. Otherwise, just by scuba-diving in the lagoon, you will be able to see many colourful fish, stingrays, and beautiful corals.
4. Try the Tahitian speciality “Poisson Cru” (Raw Tuna)
You can’t leave Tahiti without trying the local speciality: “Poisson Cru a la Tahitienne”. It’s basically raw tuna marinated in lime and diced vegetables, sprinkled with freshly squeezed coconut milk. It’s simply delicious, fresh, and very healthy!

5. Spend some time on Moorea
Moorea is located 17 km from Papeete, and it only takes 40 minutes by ferry to get there . You will need a few days if you want to see everything and fully enjoy the beauty of Tahiti’s sister island, but you can do a good tour in just one day. The island is still wild, and well preserved, and Cook’s Bay and Opunohu Bay are absolutely breathtaking!

6. See a performance of Polynesian dance
The annual Heiva I Tahiti festival organised in Tahiti and her islands in July is a chance to see an amazing authentic performance by the most famed professional dance troupes and schools. If you can’t visit in July, don’t worry, you can still see amazing performances all year long.

7. Visit the Cascades of Faarumai
There are many waterfalls in Tahiti, but the most popular and accessible are the three waterfalls at Faarumai, also known as the Three Cascades. To get there, you have to leave the main coastal road, go to a dirt track that cuts through the jungle until you reach a parking spot. From there a 5 minute walk brings you to the first cascade, Vaima Hutu. The other two waterfalls – Haamaremare and Haamaremare Iti – are close by each other, about 30 minutes walk away, and are well worth seeking out.
Cascades of Faarumai
8. Go surfing
Surfing is deeply rooted in Tahitian culture, and Tahiti has always been famous as one of the best surf destinations in the world.
The most celebrated wave on the island is called Teahupoo. Every year hundreds of people come from all around the world to get the barrel of their life. But the wave is also know for being one of the deadliest on the planet, due the huge amount of water that breaks onto the sharp razor reef. On very big days, the water patrol has to work very hard to make sure everyone survives. For those who have seen Point Break 2, that’s where the epic surfing scene was shot.
But don’t worry! If you are a beginner, there are also very safe spots where you can learn surfing without any trouble. Papenoo for instance, is a very nice beach break where small waves break close to the shore. The atmosphere in the water is peaceful, which makes it the perfect environment to learn how to take off for the first time!