My Journey from The Healthy Mummy to Zing Wellbeing

Rhian Allen

Rhian Allen, Founder of The Healthy Mummy talks about her journey from being the Founder of The Healthy Mummy to selling the business in 2022 to starting a new health and wellness platform for women, Zing Wellbeing.

The Healthy Mummy story

I founded The Healthy Mummy in 2010 to help mums lose weight after pregnancy and I spent 12 years of my life dedicated to the customers, the staff and the brand. It has been an enormous part of my life.

I started The Healthy Mummy in 2010 when I was pregnant and sold my house to launch it.

I took a HUGE risk to do it and from 2010 to 2017 it was extremely hard yards.

We rented apartments and houses (and my first baby was born in 2010 and my next in 2012) and each year we moved as our rental booted us out because the landlord needed to sell (it was so bad luck!), and I invested all the money we made over that time back into the business so it could grow and so we could give customers what they wanted.

But reinvesting all the money back in meant my family had no saved money and it was pretty stressful – and the bigger the business got the more money was needed to run it (staff, apps, products, working capital etc).

Private Equity Investment

Then in 2017, a private equity firm said they wanted to invest. And although I was super nervous about this – selling half to a private equity firm meant we could buy a house and my family could have financial security after a rollercoaster 7 years and lots of risk.

So I did it.

As soon as I did it I regretted it as things changed straight away with a private equity firm owning half of it.

It was stressful and full on and I no longer was the sole decision maker of the business and it changed the course of The Healthy Mummy business for me.

Then in 2022 the business was sold to another company called Halo and then Halo had a tough time and the business was sold again to a business called Mosh (who now own it).

This was a very stressful period and in 2022 I walked away from a business, staff, customers and a brand I loved so much which was extremely hard but I did it for my mental wellbeing and I chose my own and my family’s mental wellbeing over money.

Life after The Healthy Mummy

I was away from the health space for 2 and a half years and I missed it tremendously. Then in May 2024 I started my own health and wellness private support group on Facebook and it reignited my LOVE for the health space and what I am passionate about – health and wellbeing for women.

And the amount of women in the group and the feedback I was getting gave me the courage to start again. (And I cannot tell you how grateful I am for that support as it is a bit scary to be starting everything from scratch).

So in late July I launched Zing Wellbeing – which is a holistic health and wellbeing platform for women.

I am deeply passionate about women’s health, food and wellness and and this is what Zing Wellbeing is.

I love helping other women. I love health and I love a broader approach to health and wellbeing.

What is Zing Wellbeing about

Zing Wellbeing is ALL about health and wellbeing and about putting community, support and the customer as number 1.

It is about nourishing your body and soul.

It is about feeling good about yourself.

It is about getting the most out of food, fitness and mental wellbeing WITHOUT focusing on weight loss or the scales.

It is about seeing food as medicine and fuel to live a healthier life.

It is about learning about how important the gut is and making recipes to nourish the gut.

It is about feeling energised and full of vitality.

It is about having a platform for women’s health

It is about creating content and community for women and women’s health issues – from food, fitness, hormones, menopause and mental health.

It is about learning to deal with issues surrounding mental well-being and the hugely negative effect anxiety and stress can have on us (I speak from experience).

And I am also LOVING that I am now working with so many other women again who are helping me to create something pretty different and special for other women to help them feel good and be in their best health possible.

And you can check out the Zing Wellbeing program here

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Rhian Allen: Rhian Allen is a mum of 2 small boys and lives on Sydney’s Northern Beaches She is the Founder, Director and Board member of The Healthy Mummy and is passionate about empowering all women to succeed in life and business. Rhian is passionate about healthy living, fitness, healthy food and living a balanced life. She is also a successful author, blogger, a presenter, a key note speaker and loves to cook.
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