7 Smart Steps You Can Take Today To Future Proof Your Career

Steps to future proof your career
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Apr 10, 2017

In a world experiencing exponential change, it’s impossible to future proof your job, but you can future proof your career, says Melbourne-based career expert Michelle Gibbings.

“As businesses innovate roles will disappear, but new ones will also be created,” says Michelle, founder of Change Meridian.

“There’s deliberate steps that you can take to ensure that as the workplace evolves you do too, so you can go on to have a lasting and meaningful career.”

Steps to ensure longevity in your career
Michelle says you need to make changes today.

Michelle says there are seven key things we need to consider for career longevity:

1. Embrace change

How we work and the nature of work is changing. Artificial Intelligence, quantum computing, and what the World Economic Forum is calling the fourth industrial revolution means we are experiencing change at an unprecedented rate. Be prepared. Work out what these changes may mean for you, your profession and industry. With that knowledge, you’re better placed to determine what action you need to take to as a result.

2. Know your value proposition

Be clear on the value you offer organisations. Everyone brings certain skills and ways of operating to the work they do. It’s essential to be able to clearly articulate that value and how you can help an organisation achieve its objectives.

3. Find your learning edge

Continued career success requires a constant desire to learn so you stay relevant in your profession.  You can’t just wait for someone to tell you want you need to learn. You need to be abreast of the latest thinking and ideas from your profession, and also from complementary professions. Don’t play safe. It’s important to be prepared to take yourself outside your comfort zone – to learn new ways of working, experiment with different concepts and explore emerging ideas.

Take steps to protect your career

4. Network, network, network

Many jobs are unadvertised so networking is crucial not just to land a new job, but also to help you identify what roles are available. Meeting new people will also help expand your mindset in terms of what’s possible, how things are changing and what new opportunities are opening up.

5. Manage expectations

Expectations can be good, bad, or downright nasty. They can drive you to seek new challenges and try new things.   But they can also ‘box you in’ and confine your career choices. Being open to opportunities and being willing to seek your own career path, rather than follow the expectations of others is a key element to enable you to make progressive career decisions.

6. Don’t ask – Don’t get

Stepping up requires you to be open for asking for what you need. Often people shy away from the tough conversations and hold back expressing their needs. If you are interested in progressing and moving into different roles make sure the relevant people know this. This only works though if you are prepared to build relationships and most importantly, do your current job well.

7. Take time out

Taking care of yourself – both inside and out – is critical. Making time for self-care activities including getting enough sleep, regular exercise, meditation and other activities that are good for your health and well-being are all critical ingredients for a sustained and healthy career.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
