5 Ways A Custom Kitchen Renovation Can Help Improve Your Eating Habits

When talking about kitchen renovation, people usually focus mostly on the design and the overall vibe of the space. Rarely does anyone ever discuss the way in which the design and the layout of our kitchens can affect our eating habits. However, if you really stop and think for a second, you’ll realize just how much correlation there truly is between these two things. 

That’s why you should learn a bit more about the correlation between the design of your kitchen and how it affects your eating habits so that you can make any necessary improvements that will not only improve your room’s design but that can also improve your overall well-being.

Determine the layout

Kitchen layout is something not a lot of people consider when deciding to renovate their kitchens. However, this – without a doubt – should be your starting point. The layout you decide to go with in your kitchen will determine how practical the kitchen itself will be which can, in turn, affect your attitude towards spending time in it. If you’re constantly tripping over things and have a lot of obstacles in your kitchen that prevent seamless meal prep, it’s more likely than not that you will be completely discouraged to spend a lot of time in there.   

Find the optimum design

Once you have a clear layout in mind, the one that supports healthy eating habits instead of hindering them, you should move onto determining the best design for your kitchen. While there are certainly lots and lots of designs you can choose from and combine, try focusing on practicality first. For instance, glass door kitchen cabinets might look like an interesting idea but do know that they are not a very practical one. Instead, you should opt for a design that’s easy to clean and maintain because kitchens can get quite messy and knowing that you can take care of the mess quickly and easily will encourage you to be more creative and daring when it comes to meal prep. 

Invest in the right appliances

Next, even the most beautiful and luxurious kitchen design simply won’t do if you don’t have the right appliances in your kitchen. So, since you’re already renovating, make sure you pay attention to the appliances as well and invest in pieces, such as these Bertazzoni appliances, that will not only motivate you to cook more often, but that also offer professional quality while being very energy-efficient. Additionally, you can tech up your kitchen even further and add some smart gadgets – like a Wi-Fi connected tablet – which you can use to draw inspiration directly from the internet and your favourite cooking shows.

Choose colours carefully

When choosing the overall colour scheme for your kitchen you need to be careful. According to the colour psychology, red, orange and yellow shades are best suited for the kitchen and dining room as they stimulate the appetite (red), create a calming and balanced vibe (orange) and boost the energy levels (yellow). However, if you overdo it with any of these shades, you can end up creating a room that feels too aggressive and loud, which can make you feel uneasy (which will definitely hinder your eating habits). That’s why, if you want to go with one (or all) of these colours, make sure you choose a hue that’s a bit muted or toned down and combine it with white metro tiles to balance the look. This way, you’ll still get that appetite boost once you enter your kitchen, but you won’t be overwhelmed with bright red walls. 

Make it cosy

Finally, while it is important to have a beautiful design in your kitchen, you should make sure that it’s cosy as well. Some kitchens, no matter how beautiful, can look quite sterile. Of course, if you don’t feel comfortable in a particular space, you won’t be able to relax and enjoy your food the way you’re supposed to. However, if the overall room feels warm, cosy and inviting, you will be more inclined to sit down and enjoy a delicious meal while being completely relaxed and at peace. 

Wooden textures and finishes have the power to instantly cosy up the space so consider implementing them in your kitchen design. Also, you can use various kitchen essentials and make them serve a décor purpose as well. For instance, consider displaying your favourite coffee mugs on a wall-hung shelf or organize your spices in clear mason jars and arrange them according to their colour on your kitchen counter. 

So, to be able to put together a kitchen that will both look amazing and promote healthy eating habits, you should learn a bit more about the colours and how they can affect our mood. Furthermore, consider the layout of your kitchen and invest in high-quality appliances that will make all of your cooking efforts as easy as a dream and enjoy spending time in your new kitchen.

Sophia Smith

Sophia Smith is an Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about photography, interior design and DIY projects. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is a regular contributor at Women Love Tech and High Style Life.

Sophia Smith: Sophia Smith is an Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about photography, interior design and DIY projects. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and fashion related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is a regular contributor at Women Love Tech and High Style Life.
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