5 Things You Can Do To Practice Self Care

As busy humans, we tend to deal with day to day stuff and totally ignore the signals from our body, until one day our body sends us a message to slow down, nurture, rest, feed it right, and move well.

So I ask you, when was the last time that you checked in with your body? Close your eyes, notice all the little aches and pains, twinges, and messages, what is your body calling out for?

Your body requires regular, meaningful attention, self-care or self-maintenance, whatever you would prefer to call it.  How you treat your body is how it will respond; your body tells a story every day about how it feels and what is required to help it feel better.

As someone who has overcome a LOT of trauma, I had to stop and listen, and these were (and still are) my 5 my go to’s –

  1. Make the time to exercise.

When you move your body, it releases endorphins which makes you feel amazing. I advocate for yoga because this is what helped me get back on my feet.  However yoga is not for everyone, so ask yourself, what can I do to get my body moving that I enjoy?  Maybe go for a run, walk, jog, swim, play a round of golf, you will know what is right.  Your body will love you for the movement and release of energy.

  1. Sleep well.

Sleep is so underrated, and it should be top priority!  A good night sleep can fix so many things, I’m not an expert in this field but I can say that when we sleep well it helps us to function well, have better productivity and more enjoyment in life.  We must switch off, it’s so important.  Naps are good too!

  1. Eat and drink well.

The old saying, what you put into your body is what you will get out of it.  So choose good wholesome nourishing foods and drinks, things that you love, consume them (in moderation) enjoy them, savour every moment of it.  Have a new appreciation for what keeps your body fuelled and moving.

  1. Listen to your body.

This is a big one for a lot of people, we are always in a hurry, focusing on many things at once, the most important focal point is your body, and it’s telling you a story every day.  When there are discomforts, it is a signal that something needs attention.  Stretching can help minimise or completely keep discomfort at bay, there are services like massage, chiropractic, osteopathy (to name a few) that can help with the maintenance of your body.  Make the time on a regular basis to do these things and ensure that you turn up.  Because YOU are important.

  1. Slow down.

In all aspects of life, not just work, but home as well, slow down your mind, thought processes, everything.  Find time for meditation or mindfulness, anything that stops the daily grind from being groundhog day.  A relaxed mind helps to relax your body, this has the flow-on effect of such goodness.

As humans we give so much to others, so why not return the favour to yourself.  What would your advice be to your best friend, or spouse, if they were tired or not well?  Do that, take your own advice ????

Always be kind to yourself, move with ease and grace. You are the most important person in your life.


Trudy Vains

Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and APP creator. Trudy’s book, 'Fused,' provides inspiration and a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Trudy’s APP - 'Back Happy Yoga,' provides classes for mobility issues, back aches and pains, and stretches you can do at your desk.

This post was last modified on 01/09/2021 2:27 pm

Trudy Vains: Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and APP creator. Trudy’s book, 'Fused,' provides inspiration and a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Trudy’s APP - 'Back Happy Yoga,' provides classes for mobility issues, back aches and pains, and stretches you can do at your desk.
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