Super Berry Smoothie

This super berry smoothie will kick start your day full of nutrients including vitamin C for immune function, Calcium for strong bones, Vitamin E & Omega 3 as an anti-inflammatory, omega 6 for brain function, magnesium for nerve function, protein for growth and muscle repair, essential amino acids and anti-oxidants to fight those nasty free radicals. 

1 banana
1 cup organic frozen blueberries
Half punnet strawberries
1tsp organic Acai powder
1tsp organic maca powder
2TBS Five:am Vanilla Bean organic yoghurt
1/4 cup preferred organic milk

Blend and top with a few extra strawberries and blueberries to serve. Makes 1 huge smoothie, ideal for breakfast, or 2 smaller ones as a nourishing snack for two.

Click here for more amazing breakfast recipes!

This post was last modified on 13/09/2021 8:08 am

Bannie Williams: Bannie Williams is a Nutritionist, former model and the founder of The Healthy Ingredient- a holistic nutritional consultancy based in Melbourne. Having since completed Nutrition and Food Sciences at University, Bannie is a powerhouse in the world of Nutrition. From nutrition writing, to health food recipe development, Bannie is all about holistic living. Bannie is the resident nutritionist for a number of publications including The Carousel and Cleo magazine. Bannie also practices as an Associate Nutritionist through her Melbourne based consultancy. All recipes and images posted on The Healthy Ingredient are Bannie’s delicious, clean creations all individually designed to have a superior nutritional profile.
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