Inspiring Weight-Loss: I Dropped 66kg In Just 18 Months!

Inspiring Weight-Loss: I Dropped 66kg In Just 18 Months!1
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Oct 14, 2022

The 30-year-old says she always thought people in the cars would start laughing the moment her 120kg frame started “waddling” across the road.

The UK mother of Emily, 13, Ben, 7, and Sophie, 4, says she also felt embarrassed for her kids.

“I worried my children were going to be bullied for having such fat mom,” Lucy says. “I felt like I was letting them down.”

Inspiring Weight-Loss: I Dropped 66kg In Just 18 Months!2

The teaching assistant says she would overhear cruel comments on the playground.

“I would see them whisper as I would be sitting uncomfortably on a child-size chair,” she says. “One time when were talking about characters in Jack and the Beanstalk, one student said, ‘Mrs. Penneck, you can be the giant’s wife, as she’s fat like you.’”

Tired of the jibes, the pretty 1.55m blonde finally decided to take charge of her health three years ago by joining Slimming World, a UK program similar to Weight Watchers.

Inspiring Weight-Loss: I Dropped 66kg In Just 18 Months!2

Lucy says it was there that she learned the value of exercise and proper nutrition, ditching her chocolate bar breakfasts for yoghurt and fruit.

Within 18 months, she lost more than half her body weight and today tips the scales at a life-transforming 54kg.

The petite blonde – who once skipped swimming lessons with her children for fear of being teased in a swimsuit – loves jumping on trampolines and taking long bike rides with her family.

Best of all, she now has a wardrobe full of skinny jeans to show off her lean, head-turning figure.

“I used to hide under men’s XXL T-shirts and loose sweat pants,” says Lucy, who has chronicled her inspirational journey on Instagram.

“I always had long sleeves to cover my arms, even in the summer.”

Inspiring Weight-Loss: I Dropped 66kg In Just 18 Months!5

Rejuvenated by her newfound energy and confidence, Lucy is adamant she will never go back to being the woman who pigged-out on ice cream every night — or the little girl who binged and hid the wrappers under her bed.

Says the Slimming World success story: “It’s the memories that keep me on track.”

For another inspiring real-life weight-loss story, click here.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
