How To Be Healthy & Enjoy Life’s Sweet Things

As well as this, a healthy lifestyle can help decrease the risk of a number of lifestyle related diseases including diabetes, cancer, stroke, obesity and osteoporosis. It is also apparent that prevention is far more effective than cure.

So, how do you maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst still being able to enjoy the sweet things in life? Making positive dietary choices including reduced sugar consumption and living an active life is the first step.

An easy way to implement this is by eliminating highly processed foods from the diet and substituting sugar with natural sweeteners including SteviaSweet.

It has been proven that a diet low in refined sugar can provide an abundance of health benefits including more consistent energy levels, improved sleep, decreased sugar cravings and healthier organs. It can also decrease the risk of a number of diet related diseases.

SteviaSweet is derived from the stevia plant, making it 100% natural.
The use of natural and plant based sweeteners is becoming increasingly popular as research continues to show the correlation between diet and long-term health status.

Weight management is also a factor when it comes to living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A diet filled with a variety of whole foods paired with a physically active life can make a big difference. SteviaSweet can also assist with healthy weight maintenance as it has the same sweetness as sugar, minus the unwanted calories.

Other lifestyle activities can also have a positive impact on health status. For example, aiming to drink 6 glasses of water each day, taking regular breaks from sitting down as well as decreasing use of technology when accessible. Incidental exercise like taking the stairs and making a conscious effort to walk to destinations can also assist with achieving physical activity and movement goals.

It is easy to incorporate SteviaSweet into most of your favourite sweet and savoury recipes. The SteviaSweet granules can be used in baked treats and the tablets can be added to coffee and tea for an added hint of sweetness.

SteviaSweet can also be used to sweeten salad dressings, stir-fries, curries as well as sprinkled over your breakfast cereal. Cold beverages including cocktails and iced tea can even be made lower in calories if they are sweetened with SteviaSweet.

Making the switch from sugar to a 100% natural sweetener like SteviaSweet is an easy and effective lifestyle choice. Positive changes to the diet can make a difference at any life stage and a healthy lifestyle is the key to optimal health, vitality and longevity.

SteviaSweet is available in a variety of different product types, including sachets, liquid, tablets, and granulated in easy to use jars. SteviaSweet is widely accessible and available at most major grocers. For products, check out the link here.

This is a sponsored post by Hermesetas. All opinions expressed by the author are authentic and written in their own words.

SteviaSweet is 100% natural and as sweet as sugar, but without sugar’s high calories. Substitute SteviaSweet for sugar in cooking, baking, and to sweeten beverages as a low-calorie, healthy alternative.

Here is a gorgeous recipe using SteviaSweet:

Mixed Berry Tart Recipe

Serves 6
Preparation time 30 minutes
Cooking time: 55 minutes

175 g (6oz) plain flour
75g (3oz) butter, chilled and diced
4-6 tbsp chilled water

50 g (2oz) raspberries
Approx 300ml (1/2 pint) low fat milk
3 eggs
6 tbsp Hermesetas SteviaSweet Granulated
1 tbsp vanilla extract

For the topping
1 x 9g sachet sugar-free strawberry jelly
225g (8oz) strawberries
100 g (4oz) raspberries

1 Put the flour into a bowl and rub in the butter to make a crumbly mixture. Add enough water (4-6 tbsp) to make a firm dough.
2 Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface and use to line a 20 cm (8 in) fluted flan tin, prick the base with a fork. Cover with cling film and chill for 30 minutes.
3 Preheat the oven to 200°C/180°C Fan/400°F/Gas Mark 6.
4 Remove the cling film from the pastry case and line with foil so it supports the sides, then fill with baking beans. Bake blind for 12-15 minutes, until the pastry is set, then lift out the foil and beans. Return the empty pastry case to the oven for another 5-10 minutes or until it is golden pale and completely dry. Set aside to cool while you make the filling.
5 Put the strawberries and raspberries for the filling into a blender and whizz until smooth. Strain to remove the pips. Pour the puree into a saucepan and add the milk, heat gently on the hob.
6 Beat the eggs and the Hermesetas SteviaSweet Granulated together in a bowl and then stir in the warmed, fruity milk mixture. Add the vanilla extract and blend it well. Pour into the flan case and cook for 25-30 minutes, until set. Allow to cool completely, then chill for 2 hours.
7 Pour the contents of the jelly sachet into a jug. Add 300ml/1/2pt of boiling water. Stir well until dissolved. Chill for 1 hour or until the jelly begins to thicken.
8 Slice remaining strawberries and arrange on top of the flan with the raspberries. Spoon the jelly over the top and return to the fridge until the jelly has set. Serve chilled with light cream or crème fraîche.

This post was last modified on 13/09/2021 8:12 am

Bannie Williams: Bannie Williams is a Nutritionist, former model and the founder of The Healthy Ingredient- a holistic nutritional consultancy based in Melbourne. Having since completed Nutrition and Food Sciences at University, Bannie is a powerhouse in the world of Nutrition. From nutrition writing, to health food recipe development, Bannie is all about holistic living. Bannie is the resident nutritionist for a number of publications including The Carousel and Cleo magazine. Bannie also practices as an Associate Nutritionist through her Melbourne based consultancy. All recipes and images posted on The Healthy Ingredient are Bannie’s delicious, clean creations all individually designed to have a superior nutritional profile.
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