A big, bright supermoon is set to grace our skies on Tuesday (June 14th)… and it won’t only be impressive to look at! The Strawberry Full Supermoon in Sagittarius should bring with it prosperity and adventure – so get those bags packed and ready to go (once Winter Solstice has passed on June 21st, that is!).
The Strawberry Full Supermoon is one of only two supermoons this year and being in Sagittarius it should bring with it good luck, prosperity and adventure, making it a prime time to manifest our greatest needs and desires.
Astrologically, supermoons are all about transformation, rebirth and renewal, and bringing up subconscious content for us to deal with, they’re like full moons on steroids.
I strongly suggest journaling or writing down your intentions for June, as with the supermoon being in Sagittarius it’s the perfect time to start planning a travel adventure!
It’s important to really feel the energy around what you ardently desire. By writing as if something is already yours, or as if something is going to happen, it helps with your manifestation.
But what the Strawberry Full Supermoon means for you as individual is reflected by your star sign.
Being in Sagittarius, this supermoon will not only particularly affect Sagittarians, but other mutable signs Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, to a strong degree. Everyone however does get some effect regardless, even if they are another star sign.
Sagittarius is a very gregarious sign– and adventure and exploration are certainly coming as well as a pull towards independent risk taking! By all means do something different and exciting but don’t go overboard.
Make the most of the wealth and good fortune surrounding you at this time, pack your bags and get ready to travel – but don’t take off straight away!
Being a fire sign, Sagittarius is full of changeability and can adapt to all sorts of circumstances… so be patient and know that your trip is coming soon.
Full moons also bring with them turbulence – which is why it was important to think about the dates of your upcoming travel and to plan appropriately.
I would advise holding off on travel plans until after Winter Solstice on June 21st(7.13pm) – the shortest day of the year is when we should in fact be staying close to home!
You might find yourself torn between wanting to travel straight away and wanting to stay at home or needing to stay at home for a particular reason.
People need to calm and slow down around Winter Solstice, get more sleep and remove stress from their lives.
Don’t take on extra work, look at your inner life. With shorter, darker days explore within yourself first and venture out into the world later.
But after Winter Solstice the days get longer and it’s time to start externalising your thoughts and begin that trip!
While the days are still short, it’s best not to include multiple destinations when travelling, and you should simply enjoy one or two locations at your leisure.
It’s always better to work with the seasons and as the long days come, you can do more and more.
Why is it called a“Strawberry”supermoon?
This month’s moon is named after the perfect time to gather ripened wild strawberries in north America, and spiritually the effects are positive signifying abundance and joy around harvest time.
Supermoons themselves happen roughly once every 12 to 14 months, when the full moon is at the closest point to earth during its orbit (its perigee) making it appear larger and brighter.
They generally occur when the centre of the moon is less than 360,000 kilometres from the centre of earth.
Because it’s so close to earth, a full supermoon looks about 16% brighter and is 7% bigger than an average full moon.
Spiritually, supermoons are all about transformation and bringing up subconscious content for us to deal with – it means it’s time for a purge.
Depending on what house in your chart the full moon is in, behaviours, arguments, past traumas – may all come to the forefront just before your travel adventure.
It’s a time to deal with issues but be mindful of channelling them in a healthy way. If you can’t travel in the physical world, it’s also a great time to travel within.
Maybe you can expand your horizons in some manner – start a new course, retrain or do some research. Read a lot!
Sagittarius loves to expand life, learn, teach and grow in many ways including spiritually.
The moon also affects the ocean tides and as we are composed mostly of water, it affects us in some way, whether that be emotionally or physically.
When can you see this month’s Strawberry Full Supermoon in Sagittarius?
The moon will be reaching its peak on Tuesday, June 14that 9.51pm AEST. The second and final supermoon for the year will be the Buck Supermoon on Thursday, July 14th.
Strawberry Full Supermoon horoscopes:

Aries (March 21 to April 19): It’s an emotionally expansive time as you thrive on socialising and playfulness. You’re probably up for a good time now and any difficulties you have are likely to seem less important as they fade into the background. Freedom, fun and fancy-free suits you more now and you’re likely to be feeling more positive and optimistic. Life is looking brighter, and you want to share more time with friends and those close to you. Travel or study may call you now and if not, you’ll probably be thinking about other ways you can expand your life such as spirituality or through overseas contacts. The exotic is more appealing than the mundane, so get some excitement into your life by immersing yourself in new experiences. You may feel a little bit restless till you find the excitement you need.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): You’re probably feeling a little bit adventurous regarding intimacy with others. Maybe you’re bored with your current ‘bedroom arrangements’? It’s time to spice things up a bit then, do be careful with the boundaries you set. It’s not the best time to go overboard now. If it’s not intimacy on your mind, then shared resources and other people’s money could be on your agenda. You may want to take risks with joint resources however caution is advised here. You could be feeling quite optimistic which is great, however realism around finances and possessions is also required. A brighter future could also be calling you, so go for it after doing your research. Do take reasonable steps to improve your life now.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): Your close relationships figure more strongly now – your current partners, either business or personal need your time and attention. In turn you also rely on them for emotional support, or you probably have a ‘family of friends’ that it’s time to catch up with. Women are especially important as you can draw great happiness and a sense of security from your close friends and family. If you don’t have a close partner or bunch of friends, now is the time you might start thinking about going down this path. Maybe you’re feeling torn in two directions, whether to be on your own – free and self-reliant, or to be with someone who offers you both stability and happiness. The ball is in your court so give these matters some thought.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): Dear Cancer you are naturally sympathetic and often lend a helping hand when others are in trouble. The issue is that they don’t always appreciate your efforts! You may need to practise discernment in knowing when is the most appropriate time with the most appropriate people, to offer help. You may want to do something tangible and be of service in some way, when all they want is for you to listen. You can do this as you’re a great listener, read between the lines because there’s more there than you’re being told. There may be issues at work, in your everyday routine or perhaps with your health that need attention now. But despite these rumblings, this is a time of beneficial opportunity, and you can go far by listening to your intuition.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): Your feelings may be dramatic at the moment, so just be aware that you are not your feelings – you are an infinite immortal being who is in charge of your own life. Although it’s not a good idea to try and hide your feelings, you don’t need to vent them at every passer-by in the supermarket… so to speak! Maybe try writing down your feelings in a journal and sit with them for a few days before letting them out in a measured proportional manner. Being appropriately open towards others, add in a dash of playfulness and take a few reasonable risks will help you grow. Allow your childlike innocence to come out and this will attract others into your orbit. Maybe you’re not too sure but have a crack anyway!

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): Home and domestic life could bring up a curved ball or two around this time. It’s all fixable, you will need to make some adjustments to your routine and how you do things, however. You may also have ‘flashes’ or memories of the past coming back, particularly around school days or matters much earlier in your life. It’s as if your childhood returns to remind you of something significant. It’s ok to let go of things in the past that no longer serve you. After some realisations, you can focus on your present life. Your connection to women is likely to be stronger, maybe your mother needs your attention in some way? Opportunities for a brighter and more positive future are coming, grab them with both hands!

Libra (September 23 to October 22): You’re likely to be a bit of a dreamer this month! That’s ok, this will help motivate you into a new reality! Do try to pay attention to communications as you may seem a little vague sometimes but at least your spiritual life is surging ahead on all counts. When you make important decisions, it’s not a good idea to make them solely on the basis of how you feel, rather spend some time analysing the situation. You can do this! At the same time, listen to your intuition, because you do have it… so best thing to do is find the balance between your logical mind and your intuition. You can do this too because you are Libra and balance is your middle name! Some good opportunities are coming soon where you can use all parts of your mind to find the best solution.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): Taking care of your possessions and your finances features strongly this month. You may also wish to reorganise around your home. Perhaps it’s a great time to have a garage sale, make some money from things you no longer need anymore. You may find it difficult to part with some things, particularly old clothes that remind you of certain times in your life. But now is the time to do it! Let go of the past so you can have a clearer path to your future. Golden opportunities are coming soon if you have sufficient space in your life, so do clear a special spot in both your time and energy. Soon you will be able to expand your life, especially when you have your finances and possessions sorted. You may also find you clean out some of your old belief systems that no longer fit.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): The Supermoon is in your sign! This brings a powerful kick to your energy levels! You could find yourself firing on all cylinders so it’s important to ensure this energy is expressed in appropriate ways rather than just shooting out of your mouth in all directions! So do take control of your emotions and engage brain before putting mouth in gear. It’s not a good time to hide your feelings but it is a great time to use your feelings as motivation to fuel your life. You have a fabulous opportunity here to make the changes that you’ve wanted to do for some time. Often, you’re sympathetic to others, but do remember your desires are just as important as anyone else’s. Make the most of the growth and opportunities coming your way!

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): You may feel like withdrawing a little from the external world. That’s ok, sometimes we all need downtime! It is time to sit and reflect on how you’re feeling about your life. Are you going in the direction that you wish? Is your romantic life up to speed? How are your finances? Are you happy? Life’s important questions need to be asked now. Maybe you need some time to think about these things before giving a definitive answer? Taking this time will give you healing and resolution to a number of issues. Go somewhere peaceful without the demands of your devices and look within for opportunities within. Your 12th House of Spirituality, Dreams and the Subconscious will give you the answers if you look and ask the universe for guidance.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): Your friends, groups and connections can offer you a lot of personal fulfilment now. You may find yourself becoming busier with your community or with various networks. You may realise just how important your friends really are to you. Time to go out and socialise, catch up with some odd bods you haven’t connected with for a while. You will probably find you have a great time! It’s also time to examine your hopes and dreams and discard the ones that no longer fit your life or what you want to do in future. Sometimes, we hold onto the past like it’s some kind of security blanket, but really you no longer need some of these old energies. Let go and be free. Go out and enjoy yourself with people you care about!

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): You may be called to work in some kind of public role now. The distinction between your personal and public life becomes somewhat unclear, so do be careful you don’t over share your private life. Over sharing on social media can be a real trap. You’re also likely to find yourself in some kind of career role where you have to invest emotional energy into a situation in a public or professional domain. Maybe you have to look after someone at work, perhaps giving them special attention in some way. There could be some kind of turbulence or rocking of boats in your career or in your general life direction. That’s ok, you are Pisces… you can swim with the currents! So don’t worry, just go with the flow and all will be fine.
For June video horoscopes visit:
About Rose Smith
Rose Smith is a leading Australian spiritualist with more than 20 years’ professional experience working as a psychic, spiritual healer and teacher, and intuitive astrologer. Rose currently runs Absolute Soul Secrets – the largest psychic network in the southern hemisphere. Prior to this she worked as a counsellor in a local women’s health centre and tutored in ethics and counselling at Southern Cross University. Rose has a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Canberra and a BA majoring in psychology from Charles Sturt University. For more information visit Rose’s website at www.absolutesoulsecrets.comor her popular YouTube channel www.YouTube.com/AbsoluteSoulSecrets.