Have Fun With Hoola-Hoop Exercises

Amy Molloy

Lifestyle Writer

Apr 05, 2014

“This month I share my flat-tummy secret. And it’s a workout you can do whilst you email. Even if it looks a little ridiculous.”

It burns up to 100 calories in 10 minutes, tones your stomach muscles, improves your balance and offers a back massage too – hula hooping is no longer just for kids. In fact, fitness fanatics are using weighted hula-hoops to up the benefits (www.fithoop.com).
Plus – for those who need to be distracted to workout – you can even do it whilst emailing or watching television. Well, once you’ve mastered the technique…

Watch the video now or simply read the transcript below! 

So as an editor I love any workout that saves me time and here today I’m going to tell you about my secret multitasking workout, which is actually hoola hooping. So lets see how this goes, now i was tipped off to hoola hooping by a very busy PR friend of mine who also has an extremely flat stomach and she told me that she hoola hoops through an entire breaking bad episode, now thats pretty impressive.

I recommend starting with 2 minutes I only do it through the adverts of tv at the moment. But my favourite thing to do and something I pretty much do probably every evening is check through my emails while hoola hooping, it’s utterly ridiculous but it’s the ultimate time saving exercise.

Now the benefits of hoola hooping, apart from having fun are thats it’s going to give you an amazing flat stomach. Some of the fans, Michele Obama loves it, Kelly Osbourn loves it, a load of the Victoria Secret angels do it too and obviously its amazing for your abs, it makes you tight in your core, its great for your balance. More than anything its really fun!

This is actually called a fit hoop and its a certain type of hoola hoop which is weighted, so its 1.5kg which basically means it burns more calories, it takes more effort to keep it in the air and I promise you it IS as easy as I’m making it look, I’m not some sort of a circus performer but once you get the momentum you are free to go. You can watch tv, you can check your emails, you can chat to people about what’s for dinner… My recommendation is get a hoop and have fun!

Now shop the look:
Amy wears Vie Active, Lori Brazilian butterfly sports bra, www.vieactivewear.com

Do you multitask while exercising? Tell us below!…

Amy Molloy

Amy Molloy, formerly editor of Grazia Australia, is a columnist and author, with a particular interest in health and wellbeing. Amy writes for TheCarousel.com, and has contributed for a host of Australian publications including the Sydney Morning Herald and Harper’s BAZAAR. She also regularly writes for UK publications including The Sunday Times, the Daily Mail, the Guardian, Grazia magazine, Cosmopolitan and Women's Fitness. She previously published a memoir called Wife Interrupted in 2007.


By Amy Molloy

Lifestyle Writer

Amy Molloy, formerly editor of Grazia Australia, is a columnist and author, with a particular interest in health and wellbeing. Amy writes for TheCarousel.com, and has contributed for a host of Australian publications including the Sydney Morning Herald and Harper’s BAZAAR. She also regularly writes for UK publications including The Sunday Times, the Daily Mail, the Guardian, Grazia magazine, Cosmopolitan and Women's Fitness. She previously published a memoir called Wife Interrupted in 2007.



The Carousel
