How to Get Your Butt Into Shape

Author of the Clean and Lean Diet books, Bodism's James Duigan has three exercises which will shape, lift and tone your butt.
James Duigan

Health & Lifestyle Contributor

Jan 05, 2022

Filmed exclusively for TheCarousel, follow James Duigan as he takes you through some simple exercises to get your butt into shape that can be done anywhere at any time of day and require no equipment.

Author of the Clean and Lean Diet books, Bodism's James Duigan has three exercises which will shape, lift and tone your butt.
How to Get Your Butt Into Shape

The hip extension helps you to switch your butt on. Lie on your back, bend your knees and keep your heels on the floor whilst putting your toes in the air. Squeeze your butt and lift your hips all the way up as far as you can, then back down till you just touch the floor. Repeat.

Author of the Clean and Lean Diet books, Bodism's James Duigan has three exercises which will shape, lift and tone your butt.
How to Get Your Butt Into Shape

The lying side leg raise is a fantastic way of working your butt without bulking your legs up. Remember to stack your hips one on top of the other, keep your legs straight and flex your toes.


Mini band walking will transform your butt. Stand tall, draw your belly button in and really drive across, landing on your heel. Then as you bring your other leg in make sure you keep tension on the band the entire time. Take about 10-15 steps in each direction.

For more tips on getting a leaner, more toned look, visit

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JAMES: Hi there, my name is James Duigan, founder of Bodyism and author of the ‘Clean and Lean’ diet books. Welcome to our exclusive series of films for Carousel.

This week we are going to show you three simple exercises designed to shape lift and tone your butt.

We use the hip extension to help people switch their butt on. What you need to do is lay on your back, bend your knees and keep your heels on the floor and put your toes in the air. We do this because it helps to engage the glutes. Then I want you to put your hands in the air, this helps your posture as well.

Squeeze your butt and lift your hips all the way up, as far as you can, and then back down till you just touch the floor, and then repeat.

Usually we get people to do the hip extensions 10 times, you can up it to 20 times to really fatigue your butt.

We use the lying side leg raise to really target the deep glute muscles and these muscles are responsible for keeping your butt lifted. It’s an incredibly effective exercise and fantastic way of working your butt without bulking your legs up.

Key things to remember are making sure that your hips are stacked one on top of the other, your legs are straight, and also that your toes are flexed so that your feet are pointing up towards your knees.

If you can’t find one of our bands then any kind of rubber band will do just as long as it is giving you some resistance. You don’t want it so that you can’t move it but you don’t want it so you can’t feel it either.

Mini band walking is incredible. Once we trained an actor for a role in a superhero movie and we had her doing this every day for a month. Her butt actually lifted so much that they had to change her costume.

What you want to do is stand in perfect posture, so ears over shoulders, shoulders over hips. Stand tall, draw your belly button in and really drive across, making sure you land on your heel. Then as you bring your other leg in make sure you keep tension on the band the entire time.

You want to take about 10-15 steps in each direction.

Today I have shown you three simple exercises that you can do anywhere, any time for a perfect perky butt.

Thanks for watching.

James Duigan

James Duigan is responsible for some of the most beautiful bodies in world. Elle Macpherson, Rosie Huntingon-Whiteley and Jennifer Lawrence are just a few of his famous clients. Known as the flat-stomach king, James Duigan will provide The Carousel readers a simple and achievable blueprint for a lean and healthy body. Contact:


By James Duigan

Health & Lifestyle Contributor

James Duigan is responsible for some of the most beautiful bodies in world. Elle Macpherson, Rosie Huntingon-Whiteley and Jennifer Lawrence are just a few of his famous clients. Known as the flat-stomach king, James Duigan will provide The Carousel readers a simple and achievable blueprint for a lean and healthy body. Contact:



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