Controlling Chaos Over Christmas is quite a skill. The Festive Season can be stressful and high energy, and the anticipation alone can trigger chaos. However, if you practise self-care, keep your energy calm and become responsible for your own happiness, it can make the whole festive season so much brighter.
If you struggle to find time for yourself, consider implementing these tips. They’ll not only support you in controlling chaos over the festive break, but well into the New year and beyond.
Diarise Time For Yourself
Controlling chaos becomes easy when you prioritise yourself. Blank out a block of time in your diary. Write your name in in that space, and hold yourself accountable to do something that calms you or brings you joy. You will be able to get in touch with what’s stressing you and edit life accordingly. It is also a great way to check in with yourself and remind yourself how important you are.
Practise yoga regularly. I prefer Yin or Restorative sequences when it comes to controlling chaos.
Yoga helps to bring you back to a grounded, balanced state. Find a relaxing pose such as ‘legs up the wall’ or ‘savasana’ and just allow your body to rest. Play some relaxation music and then focus on your breath. It literally is pressing the reset button for yourself.
Find your sanctuary spot
Even if its in the far corners of your bedroom, close the door, put headphones on and read a chapter of a book or a magazine. Being alone, in stillness, can bring such peace to your day. Perhaps even put a note on the door saying, ‘Quiet Please, I am reading’, which creates healthy boundaries.

Keep a Journal
You can look at this in two ways, you could use this journal as a release for the day, or you can use it as a goal setter. Either way, you get some peaceful time.
Hot Tip – implement Manifestation and Gratitude – you can’t go wrong with those. Simply write what you are thankful for each day, and at the same time, write down what you would like to come to fruition in your life, be it a win at work, a personal goal, or something you wish to do around the house or garden to improve your home life. Write down ways in which you might achieve these and set positive intention around it.

No-one says you need an hour to meditate, two minutes can be enough. Here are some ways to meditate:
- Focus on breathing
- Practise Yoga
- Read a much-loved book
- People watching
- Watching a favourite show on TV that allows you to escape into your imagination
- Listening to calming music
When you focus on one thing, that is meditating.
Repeat after me – I am important!
Happy Holidays.

Trudy Vains is a Yoga Teacher, Author, and Spine Fusion Warrior.
Trudy’s book “Fused” provides inspiration and reassurance to those facing spine surgery, as well as many examples of the importance of a positive mindset in overcoming challenges.
For more from The Carousel on yoga and the festive season, visit here.