Here are Astrologer Rose Smith’s Harvest Moon horoscopes:

Aries (March 21 to April 19): This Piscean Harvest Moon calls you Aries to reflect in peace and privacy. It’s a great time to review your dreams and what you want out of life generally. You may feel more compassionate than usual or perhaps you identify with the underdog in some way. Charity might also be on your mind now. Your feelings may seem illogical or out of place in some way, but it’s best to avoid judging them as they are as valid as your thoughts. If you feel out of sorts, know this time will pass soon enough and go easy on yourself. Do watch for impatience and irritability, try to go slowly and be present in this current reality.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): Emotional support comes via your friends, groups and connections. Your hopes and dreams are also tinged with care and concern for others. Difficulties in family matters or with friends can likely be improved now. Unpredictable or usual things may happen, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing as your world probably needs a bit of a shakeup anyway. A soft aspect with Uranus shows you just how much you need more excitement and emotional stimulation. Grab some freedom and do something different for a change. It’s also a great time for surprises and loving times with those close to you – go on a picnic together!

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): Your life likely becomes more public whether you want it to or not! Best be careful on social media not to overshare lest something odd happens and before you know it, you’re known for the wrong reasons. You can however work well with the public and you’ll probably do well in advertising or promotion now. You could also care for someone at work or in a public way showing compassion and consideration. It’s like you can feel their feelings – almost telepathically. You can use this ability to your advantage in your career as you’re more sensitive than usual. Your spiritual side may show on the job, just work out if this is a good thing or not.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): Previously you may have travelled a fair bit and now those memories come flooding back. Travelling again could be on your mind. The exotic and far-away places probably appeal to you now. You need some excitement in your life and if you can’t get it through travelling directly, you may find people from foreign countries come across your path more than usual. You could be feeling a bit restless and unsure of what life path you should take. Perhaps spirituality is on your agenda? Whatever it is, some fine tuning of your life direction is required. Expanding your life and broadening your horizons is needed. Have you thought about learning a new language, doing yoga or studying?

Leo (July 23 to August 22): Mars is not your friend this month so do be aware of frustration and irritability. Go slower because you may feel pushed to go too fast and make mistakes or you feel a bit ‘tetchy’. It’s as if your head is in the future and you’re not really focused on the here and now. You may want love and affection now but somehow, it’s easier to close yourself off so you don’t get hurt again. Change your mindset and say to the Universe “I am now willing to love and be loved”. Even if you can’t bring yourself to open love’s doors, the Universe will hear your message and arrange a scenario to allow love back into your life somehow.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): Significant partners both personal and business can provide you extra support this month. You may also find women become more important to your happiness in some way. You may also feel a little more dependent on partners as well. Legalities could pop up, so watch for these. If not, you may find some resolution with people you don’t normally get along with. The Harvest Moon is likely kind and sympathetic this month and you’ll probably have a very good understanding of your own and others’ feelings. Your personal life could get a little complicated, so take it easy and don’t expect too much of yourself or others.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): Your everyday day, work and habits may be infused with a more feminine energy, or you just find you have more to do with women on a daily basis. It’s a great time for looking after your health – change your diet or do some more movement and turn it into a habit! It’s not only yourself that you wish to ‘fix’ – it could be others too! So, watch for this because others are entitled to their maladies as much as you are! But you mean well, and others will sense your caring and compassionate nature. Also don’t fall into the trap of thinking you ‘must’ prove your love… nope you don’t have to do that. Just love open heartedly and you don’t have to do a thing extra!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): What an emotionally expressive individual you are! It’s hard to hide your feelings even when it would be better if somehow you could look the other way! Try not to go overboard this month, put your feelings into perspective and get on with your life. They are important and they are a valuable part of you and yet you are so much more, don’t forget that! Your inner child may want to come out and play, just watch she/he doesn’t go overboard and take unnecessary risks. Go out and enjoy yourself, especially with likeminded women, affection is important now too.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): Home and family become more important now and you may have more to do with women in your family than usual. Family traditions and the past may come back to you. Perhaps, you hear of distant relatives or family members you may have lost touch with. Be aware of the dynamics at play when you were a child and notice if you start behaving in old patterns or perhaps it’s someone else that does this? Issues regarding your mother could also come up and it’s time to mother yourself a little bit too! You may have conflicting emotions regarding a family get together or conversation and you could feel pulled into two different directions. Take a deep breath!

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): Communications and ideas may appeal to you because they ‘feel right’ rather than being based on logic. That’s ok in many situations as you have a deep gut level knowing when something isn’t right. If you’re doing anything important though, you should really check out the facts rather than relying purely on your gut! BTW, speaking of which… how’s your digestion? A good probiotic might help. Also doing some emotional work around your father or a key authority figure who was around when you were a child, will help you no end. You’ll be able to complete things and be generally more successful in life!

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): Your personal possessions might give you feelings of security and perhaps things like antiques have more appeal than usual. Things from the past or with sentimental value may seem more important now. There may be a bit of turbulence come up in your money zone, so do be careful how you spend your hard-earned money as you may be tempted to fritter it away based on emotional satisfaction rather than practical value. Your ideas about money could also change and it’s a good time to consult a professional regarding money matters or investments. Sometimes it’s better to wait a little bit rather than be impatient and rush into the next thing.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): The Harvest Moon is in your sign! It’s a fabulous time for you spiritually and you may find you’re firing on all spiritual cylinders and then some. You’re likely to be feeling more compassionate than usual… if that’s even possible! Your intuition is also finely tuned, so do pay attention because the Universe wants to give you even more of these spiritual gifts! Just remember to use your head especially in financial matters. You do actually have a brain so best not misplace it now as you may be called to do some quick thinking on a potential opportunity. Uranus is smiling on you also and you could do something unusual to make others (and yourself) laugh!