Joseph Vargetto’s Easter Pignolata

Joseph Vargetto's Easter Pignolata
The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Mar 30, 2024

Pignolata are a dessert that is traditionally eaten on special occasions, such as Easter Sunday in parts of Italy. They are a delicious option for those who would like a change from chocolate.

Crunchy and sweet, with a slight tang from the orange, they are easy to make and a fine way to finish.


1 kg flour
200 gram. sugar
6 eggs
100 grams butter or lard
2 packets vanilla
Grated lemon peel (or Orange)
1 small glass of brandy
300 grams honey
Sprinkle Icing Sugar

1. Sift the flour into a large bowl and knead the rest of the ingredients together (except the honey) until dough is soft and smooth.
2. Form dough into a ball, place on a lightly floured service and make into a few smaller balls.
3. Form long sticks (about 1⁄2 an inch wide and up to 20cm long), then cut into cubes, dust lightly with flour and fry in hot cottonseed oil over moderate heat until lightly golden.
4. Place honey in a large skillet to warm (honey can be thinned with a teaspoon or two of water to make it less sticky and sweet), at this point add the fried pignolata and blend well.
5. Placeontoaservingdish,givingitshapeofapinecone.Iftheyaretoostickyto handle, slightly wet your hands with cold water.
6. You can also sprinkle chopped almonds or hazelnuts over the top if you like.

The Carousel thanks Mister Bianco chef and owner, Joseph Vargetto for this recipe.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
