Well it’s often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Eyes are the first thing we notice in another person and there’s much more to eye colour than simple genetic pigmentation. They can reveal a lot about your personality and your health. Most shocking however, is that eye colour can also determine who you’re most attracted to!
It may be no surprise to you that many romantic couples share a few physical traits, but attractiveness to a certain eye colour could come from a surprising source. According to a paper published by Lisa DeBruine and her colleagues at the University of Glasgow, people tend to prefer romantic partners whose eye colour matches that of their parents. To demonstrate how eye colour affects one’s attraction to another, the research team recruited 300 heterosexual and homosexual men and women and made records of their eye colour, as well as their parents’ and lovers’ eye colour. The eye colours were then categorised into light (covering blue, green, blue-green, grey and hazel) and dark (covering light brown, dark brown and black).
The researchers found that overall, heterosexual women and homosexual men were twice as likely to have a lover with similar eye colour to their father’s, while homosexual women and heterosexual men were more likely to have a lover matching their mother’s eye colour.
In general, the eyes are what many people describe to be the most important facial feature in a potential partner, according to another study by FastLife.com. The survey stated that the majority of male and female participants found blue to be the most attractive eye colour. Other than blue, they found men preferred women with green eyes over brown, whereas women were more attracted to brown eyes over green in men.
While it’s true that there can be many reasons behind why you may be attracted to a certain physical quality, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so what people find attractive is totally subjective.