In today’s society, women are increasingly made aware of their age and fading appearance and are expected to dress in “age appropriate wear”. It comes with an air of criticism for dressing like younger versions of themselves. So somehow women must find the perfect balance of making themselves look younger but not look “too young”. But why do we place such constrictions on ourselves and instead indulge in the delicious fantasy of “not giving a ‘###” ? Easier said than done, right?
Julia Baird emphasises this in her book Phosphorescence, in which a survey by implied that 80 per cent of Britons thought women should start dressing down when they turn fifty and that a quarter of women are “scared of wearing high heels”. Frightened of what a fashion piece implies.
But fashion has always been and should be a tool to reflect our personalities and not our age. Meaning that we should wear things that make our inner selves feel good. Even throughout history, Queen Victoria dismissed wearing her suffocating corsets and Joan of Arc ditched dresses for men’s clothes. Because these outfits made these women feel more like themselves.

Often times women don’t focus on their own inner selves as they can be too focused on being a good wife, a mum or career women. But haven’t we always been told that if we don’t also take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of others?
Whether some days you decide to dress up in a fabulous bold dress with heels, or wonder carelessly down the street with no makeup and messy ha. There comes a point in life where every women should focus more on cultivating their inner garden as opposed to worrying so much about their appearance.

This doesn’t mean not enhancing attempts of creativity and colour in our fashion choices which we may love. But more do whatever YOU want with the way you look.
Julia Baird says it perfectly here:
“orbiting a women whose self esteem does not rest on applause for her appearance can show you that a million other things matter more”