5 Tips To Get Beautiful Glowing Skin

Chrisanthi Kaliviotis

Beauty Expert

May 12, 2016

Watch our video on our five top tips to get beautiful glowing skin.


CK: Today we’re talking about that one thing we all want, glowing skin. But with all the stresses and environmental issues around us, a radiant complexion can often be pretty hard to achieve, let alone sustain. Bianca and I are going to give you our top five tips for glowing skin.

BS: Firstly, keeping your skin hydrated on the outside is key to a glowing complexion. Once you’ve cleansed and have a fresh base, a high-quality, super hydrating moisturiser is key. Try Pellelucent, a premium cream which cleverly combines the best active ingredients and natural botanicals to give you youthful radiance. It’s formulated with an exciting new French/German compound that gives an immediate boost to the complexion, targeting the appearance of fine lines and combats uneven skin tone, whilst the Macadamia and Almond Oil keep the skin supple and moisturised with an unmistakable glow. The unique Tasmanian Kelp extract acts as a powerful humectant, locking moisture into the skin and acting as an on-going barrier against the elements.

CK: For me, a lot of it has to do with diet. Having spoken to countless dieticians and nutritionists over the years, there is so much truth to: you are what you eat. 80% of your immunity is gut related, so good gut health and a balanced diet is key to radiant skin. Omega-3 rich foods plus red or purple fruits and vegetables will help get your glow on, but sometimes you need a little help. A probiotic is great to maintain good gut flora, all the B group vitamins are really important when you’re stressed and run down, and fish oil will promote radiant, bouncy skin.

BS: Slip, slop, slap! Sun damage is a huge factor in ageing and dull skin. Coming from Britain, the sun here is so much stronger and I’ve noticed that without proper sunscreen my complexion can look weathered and has this overall dullness about it, so while the sun glows, it definitely won’t make your skin glow!

CK: Water, water, water. I know everyone hears it a thousand times, but a lot of people get complacent about drinking water, particularly during the colder months. Drinking plenty of water is one of the main steps in achieving a healthy glow. If you don’t like the taste, or find it hard to drink a lot of it, try adding Chlorophyll, which is a detoxifier in itself, or a squeeze of lime or lemon, or even add some fresh berries to a big water bottle and it will give it slight fruity flavour whilst getting an anti-oxidant hit as well.

BS: Lastly, it’s all about those zzz’s (which I don’t always get enough of myself!). I think we all know that getting a good night’s sleep is the answer to so many of our problems, and your skin is no exception. Creating a tech-free zone, that is switching off all iPhones and computers at night is a great way to get some good shut eye. If you have trouble sleeping try natural products with Melatonin, which is a hormone in the pineal gland that helps prepare your body for sleep.

CK: There you have it, our top five tips to keeping your skin happy and glow-y.

Check out these videos about the Pellelucent range by clicking below.

How To Replenish Your Skin With Pellelucent
How To Replenish Your Skin With Pellelucent
The Ultimate Gift For Beauty Lovers
The Ultimate Gift For Beauty Lovers

Chrisanthi Kaliviotis

With her lyrical turn of phrase and penchant for uber-glamour, Chrisanthi Kaliviotis is in her element writing about beauty for The Carousel, while weaving in fun fashion and pop culture references. She also loves a road test, so we send many of the new hair tools that arrive her way (she actually knows how to use them). Have you seen that hair?


By Chrisanthi Kaliviotis

Beauty Expert

With her lyrical turn of phrase and penchant for uber-glamour, Chrisanthi Kaliviotis is in her element writing about beauty for The Carousel, while weaving in fun fashion and pop culture references. She also loves a road test, so we send many of the new hair tools that arrive her way (she actually knows how to use them). Have you seen that hair?



The Carousel
