Many of us may want to make a difference in these tumultuous times and not know what to do. But do you know how much power you have in your own hands? A single person can make a huge impact. One of our favourites, The Body Shop has some Sydney based inspiration for how our own hands can hustle for change and how we can look after them in the process. You can even help through doing something that you love, like cooking or gardening. Here are six ways you can make a difference.
Community Gardens
Not only can you connect with your fellow neighbourhood community but you can also reduce food waste. Many neighbourhoods have green spaces where you can come together and grow food. This helps you to get out into nature, foster connected communities and increase green spaces within the urban city jungle.
Knitters Unite
Knitting is not only an enjoyable hobby, but it can also be a way to give back. From creating a trauma teddy for vulnerable youth, knitting woollen prosthetics for women who have survived breast cancer or making jumpers for cute penguins. Your hands can hustle with a crochet hook or a pair of knitting needles to help those in need.
Get Cooking
Whether through a local soup kitchen, by cooking meals for your elderly neighbours or volunteering for a food truck, your hands can help those doing it tough, providing them with a warm meal when they need it most.
Join A Beach Clean Up
It is estimated that eight million metric tons of plastic enter our oceans each year. By joining in with a local beach clean -up your hands can help remove and recycle stray plastic from our shores, ensuring it doesn’t end up in the ocean.
Upcycle your recycling
Take donating your old or unwanted items to the next level by volunteering for an up cycling or used clothe charity. You can pack clothes at a warehouse, lend a hand at a clothing hub, or help run kids workshops to educate the future generation on the importance of reusing and recycling.
Be an activist
Passionate about the environment? Female empowerment? Indigenous rights? All of the above? Whatever the cause you are passionate about, use your hands to make signs, raise up placards and posters, write emails to those in charge and sign petitions for change. Every little bit helps.
Your hands are essential and can do a lot of hustling for change. They are integral for the jobs we do, the people we heal and the skills we learn so its also important we treat them right. When it comes to hydrating those precious hands its important we use a natural product with no nasties. The Body Shop was one of the first brands to celebrate Hemps incredible benefits and has a bunch of new essential remedies for heavy duty hydration to our skin. Did you also know that Hemp is four times more effective at capturing CO2 than trees?
Below are some wonderful products to hydrate and help those hands of yours and make the change this world needs.
RRP: $20
This post was last modified on 05/08/2020 6:06 pm