Sam’s Secret For Making Long Distance With Sasha Work and more…

Sam’s Secret For Making Long Distance With Sasha Work
Victoria Webster

Apr 12, 2016

How do you deal with long distance?

“Don’t sweat the small stuff. Especially because if you are living so far away and you aren’t seeing each other as often as those who live close together in their relationship. We might get annoyed at each other like everyone does but we don’t hold onto it for very long. We don’t like wasting time.

We are enjoying missing each other and we love planning what we are going to do on the weekend. We make a big deal about it. Even though we see each other normally every weekend or every second it makes it more exciting to really psyche yourself up for spending time together.

We are like “OK, what are we going to do, lets find some fun things to get excited about. What do we want for dinner? Let’s cook and have some wine, or why not watch some DVD’s!”

We make it a fun event when we are together. It makes it worthwhile.”

Sam and Sash at the football stadium

Tips for keeping fit?

“One of the biggest tips that I have is not giving yourself such a hard time about diet and exercise.

Absolutely, eat healthy. Absolutely, try to be as active as possible. However, you don’t have to for a 90-minute gym workout every day. Instead why not just try and go for a 20-minute walk and get the blood flowing. Being active is great for your mental welfare as well remember, it shouldn’t be about your weight. I think some people give themselves a really hard time when they aren’t exercising every single day. Moderation is absolutely the key.”

Guilty pleasures?

“For example, I am an absolute chocoholic. I go bananas when I have chocolate. It is ridiculous, I turn into a crazy monster and can not stop eating chocolate. I know that that is my biggest downfall, so I try to avoid it unless I am giving myself a special little treat.

It is just knowing what works for your body. I could give someone everything that I eat, the exercise that I do and it might not help them. It is just knowing your body and knowing what works for you.”

How do you stress less and relax?

“I stress a lot about my job, as I am in a new job. It can be stressful at times.

For me, I think it is really important to give yourself time out. Specifically, for Sasha, he has a highly stressful job. Sasha is a really organised person, even to the point where he has to allocate and organise spare time for himself in his schedule. It is about finding time to do something specifically for YOU.

Sometimes on the weekends if I have had a really stressful week, I am like “you know what I am doing on Saturday, I am spending the whole day on the couch watching DVD’s and eat whatever you like and allowing yourself to relax. Give yourself a break.”

Message to fans you are a role model to?

“It is quite surreal feeling like I am even a role model to young women. I try to do a good job of that and spread good messages. I think there is so much obsession about body image and the pursuit of this ‘perfect body’ that is quite unattainable. As long as you are happy, healthy and having your regular check ups, you are perfect.”

Who is your role model?

“For me, my role model is my sister. She is such an inspirational woman. She is a great sister and has great morals and values. She looks after herself and eats quite healthy but doesn’t obsess about weight.”

Just like her sister, Sam firmly believes that you don’t need to slog it out at the gym every day and meal prep 24/7 to be healthy.

Instead, she recommends exercising with a friend to benefit from the social and health aspects of getting outside and seeing someone you care about.

“Going for a walk with your girlfriends and having a chat is so good for you. Take a class with a girlfriend or take your dog for a walk then get breakfast afterwards.”

Sasha and sam dealing with long distance

For more stories about Sam Frost, check out the exclusive interview about her commitment to fight stroke.

Victoria Webster

Victoria Webster is a contributor for The Carousel. She began her journalism career by studying Media and Communications at The University of Sydney.


By Victoria Webster

Victoria Webster is a contributor for The Carousel. She began her journalism career by studying Media and Communications at The University of Sydney.



The Carousel
