That’s it! As you look back over the past year, take the time to appreciate all the things you did. Not the things you didn’t do. Now, let’s take a look at some simple hacks to kickstart 2018 with a spring in your steps.
Start your new year by putting some positive goals in place. Don’t wait to see what happens, as they say, there’s no time like the present. So make sure you head into the new year running, not walking.
Whether you are an avid fan of fitness or more of a ‘I walk to work everyday so that’s my exercise’ kind of person, plan ahead and purchase some equipment that will encourage you to be active or try and activity you’ve always wanted to but never have. Carpe Diem as they say.
What kind of equipment? Well, why not ditch the public transport when you can cycle? Or buy a pair of rollerblades, learn to skateboard, buy a soft board. Think of an activity you’ve always wanted to try and do it. Book yourself into a rock climbing session at your local centre or twerk that booty at an R&B dance class, whatever it is, try it and shake away those Christmas cobwebs, it’s a sure way to start the new year afresh. Not only with those exercise endorphins make you feel good but the sense of achievement you will feel for trying something new be a great mood booster.
Look after yourself. No doubt after the festive season your body will not be very happy in more ways than one due to excessive consumption of those festive treats, so go clean for a few weeks. Eat lots of fruit and veg, go alcohol free, get plenty of exercise and sleep. Eat more unprocessed foods and whip up some good healthy home cooked meals. Try some new recipes from ‘The Heathy Life’ by nutritionist Jessica Sepel. Tantalise your tastebuds and look after you gut with these healthy recipes.
Be your own inspiration. Create yourself a mood board and put it up in your room so you can look at it and aspire to achieve the dreams/goals/targets you have set your sights on for 2018 Place pictures of places you want to go, people who inspire you, lists of targets you want to achieve short and long term, things you want to do. If you look at it everyday you are more likely to remind and motivate yourself to do these things.
That heart of yours is special so whether it is on the mend or is bursting full of love right now, remember to look after number one. Acknowledge and recognise the way people make you feel and if those people have hurt you in the past, move on and surround yourself with those that make you feel warm and tingly inside. Shake off any negative nellies and leave them back in 2017, they’re so last year anyway.
Tell us what you are doing to put the spring back into your step in the new year.