How To Safely Include Your Pet In The Christmas Festivities

Santa Paws is coming to town and to celebrate, pet care brand Rufus & Coco asked 275 pet owners how they will be including their fur-babies in the festivities.

We weren’t surprised to find that 95% of pets will be included in the Christmas Day celebrations, with 85% receiving a present this year!

The growing trend towards pet humanisation has meant that people want only the best for their pets and are treating them as equal members of the family – sometimes even better! While not all respondents had a sibling, nearly half (46%) admitted they will be spending more on their pet than their sibling. People were also more likely to buy their pet a present than their friends! While 94% had bought their pet a Christmas pressie before only 57% had plans to buy pressies for their mates.

With people giving greater consideration to their pets involvement in Christmas, here are some tips to safely include them in the Christmas festivities:

  1. Cool your pets down!

Christmas down under can get hot! Make sure that while you’re on your third glass of celebratory bubbly, you haven’t forgotten to fill up the dog’s water bowl and if its an extra hot day, add some ice cubes. More than half of survey respondents said their pet will be rocking a special Christmas outfit for the day – if your pet is getting dressed for the occasion, make sure it is weather-appropriate or that you have adequate air conditioning! If you’re spending the day outside in the sun, remember that fair pets need sunscreen too!

  1. Keep the choccies out of reach

Chocolates are one of the most common Christmas gifts, so make sure that any chocolates are kept out of reach, as an emergency trip to the vet is sure to put a damper on the day.

  1. Be mindful of décor and Christmas trees

Christmas trees and décor can pose a huge threat to our pets – baubles can be a choking hazard and an unstable tree can easily be toppled by a curious cat! From sharp pine needles to ornaments, keeping an eye on your pets or keeping them out of decorated rooms is the safest approach! Christmas lights and tinsel also carry a strong allure for pets who can end up with obscured digestive tracts or electric shocks.

  1. Gift appropriate treats

With many people gifting their pets with food-treats, it’s important to find treats that are healthy for your pet.

Rawhides can contain harmful dyes and are also meant to break down into tiny, soft pieces over time. Beware though, as strong chewers are typically able to break off large chunks that can pose a major choking hazard or cause an intestinal blockage.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.

This post was last modified on 27/02/2021 11:30 am

The Carousel: The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.
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