Have you heard of Plastic- Free July? This is a global movement that was formed to help individuals to be apart of the solution to prevent plastic pollution. Did you know that more than 552 million shampoo bottles end up in landfills each year and 8 million metric tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean every year. Since plastic is everywhere around us, it might seem difficult to completely ditch single use plastic. But luckily there are ways to combine beauty with sustainability. The hair brand Bar None has made it easier for everyone to move towards a zero waste lifestyle. They are zero waste, plastic free and cruelty free.
Their hydrating shampoo and conditioner bars work like other liquid shampoo and conditioner. Except you simply wet your hair and rub the bar into it. The best difference being that there is no plastic involved. They are packed solid with quality ingredients that will improve the health of your hair.
Therefore the solution is easy, use the products you love without harming our fragile earth. Bar None truly believes that everyone should be given the chance to be
part of the waste-free movement and that this opportunity should be
easily accessible. Therefore they will be the first of their kind to be stocked in major supermarket chains.
They will have the zero-waste shampoo and conditioner, biodegradable hair accessories, your hair and the environment will be thankful for.
This post was last modified on 06/07/2020 3:02 pm