Could Sky Dive Therapy Be The New Form Of Self Care

Sadie Archibald

Lifestyle Writer

Nov 14, 2023

Sometimes we might get stuck in the grind and find little time in our busy lives and routines to find time for self care. In fact, one in two aussies are dissatisfied with the lack of excitement in their lives. But its proven by psychologists that self care moments are super important for our mental health and well being. But what does self care really mean? It means finding time out of our normal routine to do things that feel good for our body and mind. We might have heard of the classic self care trends, like meditation, spending time with friends and family and eating healthy foods. But have you ever tried a pinch of adrenaline to give your body and sense of self the boost it needs. There are a bunch of fun fuelled adventures by Adrenaline that could give you this fix.

According to leading psychologist, Dr Eric Brymer, “skydive therapy” refers to the use of adventurous experiences to help people move past their comfort zones, which is reported to make them feel happier, more self confident and more accomplished.

So whats stopping you right now from taking that leap of faith?

For many there might be obstacles like concerns about affordability, not wanting to go alone and not feeling adventurous enough or even fear of not coming out on top. Interestingly, one in ten Aussies even admit scrolling on their phone is preventing them from going on new adventures. But here is some top tips on overcoming the most common excuses to adventure in an interview with Psychologist Dr. Brymer.

“I don’t think I can afford it” – voted by almost two in five (38%) of Australians

The best thing about adventure is it comes in all shapes and sizes, can be tailored to any budget,
and can even be free! One of the easiest ways to make a life a little more adventurous is to inject a
little fun into your existing routine. If you usually eat lunch inside, shake things up and find an
opportunity to turn it into an outdoor picnic. Skip the neighbourhood stroll for a bush walk in a
park you’ve never explored before. If you want to take things to the next level, adventure
marketplaces like Adrenaline offer a variety of affordable adventures for every price point, from
kayaking, to jet boats or skydiving for those feeling braver.

“I don’t have time” – voted by 16% of Australians

Life is busy and depending on your situation it can feel hard to find the time to do something like
an adventure. The good news is that you do not have to adventure everyday or even every week.
Plan ahead to make the time, take the family, enjoy an adventure with your friends instead of
meeting for dinner or drinks. In the end, adventure is a powerful medium for changing your life,
you will not regret making time for it.

“I spend too much time scrolling on my phone” – voted by one in ten (10%) Australians

Recent research has all but confirmed that phone scrolling is akin to other addictions. Of course, it
may also be an indication that you’re dreaming of an adventure, looking for something to trigger
an emotional reaction. One tip here would be to notice what interests you when you scroll and then
research a way of making that happen in real life. Use your scrolling skills to book that adventure!

“I’m scared of going outside of my comfort zone” – voted by 18% of Australians

A helpful tip for those who might feel challenged by the idea of adventure is to realise even the
most extreme adventurers do not like going outside of their comfort zone. Instead, what we find is
that adventure allows you to find out where your comfort zone actually is. Start small and explore
some local adventures, then start to research adventures that have sparked your interest.

“I procrastinate and never get around to it” – voted by one in five (19%) of Australians

While procrastination is often a result of groundless negative self-belief and stress, the good news
is that adventure is incredibly grounding. It’s a wonderful way to relieve stress too. Be kind to
yourself, start small, maybe book a micro-adventure with an organisation, then all you have to do
is turn up and enjoy

It’s not only sky diving that can give you this sense of adventure and transform feelings of stress and anxiety into feelings of accomplishment, fun and feeling relaxed. Other suggestions found on the amazing adrenaline list are Whale-watching, helicopter rides, hiking, hot air balloon, horse riding and water sports just to name a few. So stop procrastinating and start adventuring.

Sadie Archibald

Sadie Archibald is a lifestyle writer for The Carousel. Sadie recently finished a course in graphic design and is now writing for both The Carousel and Women Love Tech.


By Sadie Archibald

Lifestyle Writer

Sadie Archibald is a lifestyle writer for The Carousel. Sadie recently finished a course in graphic design and is now writing for both The Carousel and Women Love Tech.



The Carousel
