With Earth Hour, the largest global movement designed to encourage people to commit to protecting our planet, upon us, you may be wondering, how can dating help you do your bit for the environment? You might also worry that your date does the exact opposite. Even driving some distance to a date can have an impact on the environment. So it’s important to consider the world we live in when we’re out on a date – there may be plenty of fish in the sea (for now), but we’ve only got one planet.
If you are thinking about the impact of your carbon footprint, great – consideration is the first step towards making a difference. Because when it comes to the environment dating doesn’t have to be daunting, and there are plenty of eco-friendly activities you can do on your date.
A Nice Walk
The simplest methods are often the best, and a walk together is a time-honoured classic. For inner-city daters, you can go on a city stroll and browse the local thrift stores, independent shops and ethical fair trade cafes. Or, why not get out of the city and go for a hike along a nature trail? If you need to travel some distance to get there, consider public transport instead of taking the car. Walking can be a great way to get to know someone as it can be a lot less daunting and ‘interview-like’ chatting side by side instead of across a table.
A Bike Ride
Take it up a gear from your walk with a bike ride. Zero carbon footprint, and you can also get some exercise! For that classic romantic experience, why not rent a tandem bike for a quiet ride around town together?
Take a Class
Yoga? On a first date? That would definitely be a story to tell, don’t you think? You could also try taking a dance class together, like ballroom dancing. Romantic and you’re learning something new. Enrich each other and yourselves by trying out something you’ve always wanted to do.
A Picnic
Is there anything more quintessentially romantic than a picnic? Pack up some produce and head over to the beach to watch the sunset together. Don’t forget to take a blanket so you can snuggle up together when it gets chilly. Opt for food and drinks without disposable plastic packaging, take your rubbish home with you, and remember, avoid any foods that contain palm oil if you care about deforestation and wildlife.
Visit a Museum or Gallery
Do you know what’s not bad for the environment? Culture. Visiting your local gallery or museum can be fun or informative. Wow each other with your impressive knowledge of facts, and then fact-check each other just in case. Or go and appreciate some wonderful art. Who knows, there might even be some pieces on climate change.
It’s important to keep active, so do it together. Head over to the park together and play a nice game of tennis. Badminton, golf, volleyball, swimming … the options are endless! Not only are you both bonding, but you’re also getting some good exercise, and all without leaving a carbon footprint.
Volunteer to Clean Up a Beach or Park
How about not only avoiding doing damage on a date, but actively helping the environment? Volunteer together to go clean up our land, reducing pollution and bonding along the way. Not only do you get a chance to know each other a little better, you’ll also feel really good about yourself for helping with the environment. And who doesn’t want that?
There are plenty of ways you can date without causing any harm to the environment. So next time you’re thinking about doing something nice with someone nice, make sure it’s something eco-friendly. You’ll be guaranteed to have much more fulfilling dates when they involve looking after our planet.

Author: Charly Lester, Lumen Co-Founder and Dating Expert
Photo credit: Unsplash