What This New Moon Means For YOU

What This New Moon Means For YOU
Hedy Damari


Dec 10, 2015

Saggie’s think big, sky is the limit attitude will inspire you to broaden your vision, open your mind and try new experiences. You’ll also effortlessly connect the dots by destiny or design which will give projects and aspirations a leap forward. As Sagittarius also relates to study and travel this is the perfect time to plan both.

Harness the energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius, December 11, 2015 at 9:29pm (AEST), regardless of your sign, with these cosmic tips:

See the glass as half full
For some realists (Virgo and Scorpio, I’m looking directly at you) it’s difficult to look on the bright side when the hard, cold facts are a little grim. In these situations you need to accept what can’t be achieved but you also have to focus on what’s working. There’s a reason why Saggies are usually the ones to find money, get upgraded to the presidential suite and randomly invited to stay in palatial digs when backpacking – OPTIMISM! The universe takes words and energy very seriously so if you’re bombarded with thoughts of what will go wrong there’s little room for wonderful opportunities to blossom. Baby steps towards manifestation are practicing an attitude of gratitude for even the smallest gifts. As your acknowledgment grows so too will the blessings endowed on you.

Notice symbols
There’s no such thing as a coincidence. The Universe, God, angels, spirit guides, whatever ethereal energy you believe in is constantly trying to send messages and put you on the right path. It may appear that some people are in an area where the cosmic reception is better quality but really it’s just having or honing the ability to recognise these cues. If you see someone random more than once keep them talking until one of you extracts the right information. If a number keeps reappearing work out the significance of it. Some tips will be more subtle than others but the more in tune you are with your higher self the less enigmatic and more useful they’ll become.

Take off!
Sagittarius is, among other things, the sign related to travel and it’s little wonder when the planets visit this sign that many of us get a scorching case of wanderlust. If it’s been a while since you had a holiday or the itinerary for your dream destination has been gathering dust this is the perfect time to make solid plans. Map your path, set a date and put down a deposit. It needn’t be the trip of a lifetime but once you get the travel bug you’re bound to make it an enriching priority.

Learn something new
The Archer has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. If you know a Saggie or two it’s likely they have at least one degree, are working on another or at least studying an interesting topic, not necessarily to fatten their resume but for the sheer love of learning. If you’ve been meaning to take a refresher in French, complete or commence a degree or enroll in a short course use the cerebral and curious influence of this placement to expand your intellectual horizons.

Unleash your inner author
Some wordsmiths may have the workings of a novel that’s been waiting to see the light of day for years now. If so, set up a space and dedicate regular amounts of time to putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. But you don’t need to have a tome trapped inside to publish your thoughts, handy hints and ideas. In today’s digital age where it’s a cinch to reach others start a blog, devote a social media page to your muses, start a forum of sorts and exchange information. It could lead to a lucky break but at the very least it will give you a voice and boost your brain power.


By Hedy Damari


Hedy Damari is an astrologer, writer and author. She was the editor and features writer of Your Destiny magazine for eight years and star columnist for Good Health. She is the current astrologer for TV Week, Yours and the online astrologer for Australian Cosmopolitan. Hedy has written three astrology annuals for Woman’s Day and is a regular contributor for Cosmo Pregnancy, New Idea, Woman’s Day and Wellbeing Astrology. Hedy has written two books - Absolute Astro and Absolute Love Astro (Park St Press).



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