The Simple Trick To Getting In The Zone & Staying There!

The secrets to a harmonious life
James Graham


Nov 14, 2016

Human life is based on the harmonious balance between four interconnected relationships.

When practiced consciously, they result in greater personal fulfilment, success and the powerful and free expression of our deepest Self.

What are the four relationships?

Self, Relationship, Nature and the Universe.  On a personal level, it is harmony with our deepest self, with our partner, with our sense of place (Nature) and to our true work or expression (Universe).

It is believed all people seek similar things.  These are health and happiness, companionship and intimacy, prosperity and freedom of expression.

Health and happiness are related to the connection with our Self – our body, mind and emotion.

Companionship and intimacy relate to the quality of connection we have to another.

Prosperity means having all the things we need to flourish – this comes from Nature.

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Nature provides all things including our food and shelter. Tribal people have a rich relationship with where they live and this sense of place is paramount in their lives.

The expression of our deepest self into our true work is related to the principle of life itself, as all of life continuously expresses outwardly and unreservedly.

Life is expressed through the universe, in all dimensions at all levels and all times. The principle of free expression in turn is related to our connection or oneness to the universe – the fourth relationship.

In the zone

What has interested me for nearly 50 years has been what’s termed these days “the flow state”.

It also relates to as “in the zone”.  In the non-fighting martial art of Aikido, it is called the “unified Ki state”.

This state of being was originally the aim of many practices including yoga and meditation.

Many people have fallen into this state when absorbed in an activity they love and have practiced for a long time.  A surfer on a wave, a performer, an artist or in daily life.  However, it is often very challenging to re-create this experience continually.

However, it is one of the principal aims of life – to turn the everyday experience into the extraordinary.

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If everyone is expressing their unique and authentic self in a full and effortless way, naturally the world will be a more peaceful and beautiful place.

How can you do this? Where is the starting point? The starting point is self – Harmony with self.  Wherever you go, you will be there.  Everything outside your self is ephemeral, changing and eventually disappearing.

So, connection to self is most important. What do we mean by self? In the spirit of simplicity, we divide self into two streams

Body                          Mind

Small Self                 Deep Self

Conditional             Unconditional

Ego/personality   Soul/spirit

Since ancient times the word to describe harmony with self is unity.  If these two steams of self are balanced in harmony, we will experience a deeper sense of happiness and fulfillment.

There are practices to unify our self – such as centering and alignment, acting from a prior place of fulfillment, the art of intuitive response rather than emotional reactions.

Also, there are foods that support this centred state of being.

Similar for all the relationships there are practices to bring out the skills required to have full expression of that relationship. For harmony with partner, these would include the art of blending, centred listening, how to release tension, deep breathing and so on.

By understanding the practices, skills, challenges of each relationship and then cultivating harmony in each of them our life can become richer and fuller.

Instead of seeking extraordinary experiences, we create them through our daily life.

This “flow state” becomes accessible through our whole life. Indeed life is the practice.

“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force”.

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About the author:

Sydney-based Ken McLean is the author of Harmony is Success (Short Stop Press $29.99) and founder of Shin Sen Dojo, a holistic centre for the development of body, mind, and spirit. Ken has helped thousands of people achieve greater health, harmony, happiness and success through the programs he runs and personal consultations. For more information about Harmony is Success, visit

James Graham

With over 20 years as a journalist and TV producer, James Graham has a wealth of experience covering the full media spectrum. James has a formidable reputation as a talented media veteran and worked as a reporter, script writer and as the producer of the TV documentary The Road To Athens. He has worked across newspapers, radio and the biggest flagship magazine brands in Australia and New Zealand. Previously, James was the News Director at Woman's Day and New Idea. Whether filing celebrity exclusives, or some of the biggest real-life splashes of recent years, James’ career has always been at the frontline of mainstream media. When not writing, you’ll find him at Royal Randwick, his beloved Long Reef Golf Club on the Northern Beaches – or visiting his mum in his native New Zealand.


By James Graham


With over 20 years as a journalist and TV producer, James Graham has a wealth of experience covering the full media spectrum. James has a formidable reputation as a talented media veteran and worked as a reporter, script writer and as the producer of the TV documentary The Road To Athens. He has worked across newspapers, radio and the biggest flagship magazine brands in Australia and New Zealand. Previously, James was the News Director at Woman's Day and New Idea. Whether filing celebrity exclusives, or some of the biggest real-life splashes of recent years, James’ career has always been at the frontline of mainstream media. When not writing, you’ll find him at Royal Randwick, his beloved Long Reef Golf Club on the Northern Beaches – or visiting his mum in his native New Zealand.



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