Mother Of All Reinvention – Hello Golden Gap Year

Mother Of All Reinvention – Hello Golden Gap Year
Angela Galloway

Lifestyle Editor

Dec 06, 2017

This is the first of a regular column by Sydney mum of two Ang Galloway.

Ang will be sharing stories about negotiating the murky waters of ageing and her plans to reboot and regroup after twenty years in domestic pit alley. She kicks off by sharing her plan for a Golden Gap Year (and why we should all be doing it)

In just under two years (650 sleeps to be exact), I will turn 50 and I have no clue what I’m going to do for the next half a century. I’m no longer married and my full time parenting days will soon be behind me. For the first time in forever, I am literally free to do whatever I want which is both exciting and terrifying in equal measure because the truth is that I have no idea what that looks like. I’ve been trying to convince myself that this is just another birthday … but who am I kidding? I’m going to be half a century old! That sounds more like the description of a sedimentary rock formation than an occasion worthy of celebration.

As luck would have it, my 50th year also happens to coincide with my first year as a part time parent. Both kids will officially be adults. Both will be finished school and (in theory) less needy of my full time attention. As far as opportunities go this is a ‘pigs with hens teeth flying past a blue moon’ once in a lifetime kind of opportunity and the perfect timing for my Golden Gap Year. My plan is to sell the family home, sell the car, channel my inner gypsy and take off (with a meticulously planned itinerary in hand to satisfy my very ‘un-gypsy’ like obsession with planning). I’ll encourage mates to join me for any parts of the trip that appeal, including a 50th birthday bash in the ‘big apple’.

Ang Galloway
Hello Golden Gap Year – Ang Galloway says we all deserve one.

I announced my plan to the kids last week. Both were surprisingly indifferent. One said “sounds like a mid life crisis to me” … the other said, “Haven’t the last 20 years been a gap year?” … Oh the feeling of pride that bubbled up in my bosom. Their shared lackadaisical attitude and distinct lack of empathy just served to reinforce my resolve to proceed. I’m going to eat, pray and love under the Tuscan sun while I’ve still got my health and a spring in my step. And if the reaction of my friends is anything to go by, I think I might be on to something.

If a generation of self absorbed, over indulged teenagers can justify needing a year to regroup and recover from the grind and drudgery of a few years of study (with a support crew tending to their every need), then …. HELLO PEOPLE … surely we can demonstrate a more a dire need for some time out. After twenty plus years of juggling parenting, partnering, careers and caring, surely we’ve earned our own rite of passage to reflect, reboot, re-energise and regroup in preparation for the start of our own new chapter. This Golden Gap year should totally become a ‘thing’ … a tradition that’s as deeply ingrained as the post school gap year. To be welcomed with high fives and hearty congrats …. not raised eyebrows and murmurings of mid life crisis.

The Carousel would like to thank our new lifestyle writer Ang Galloway who also has a popular blog,

Angela Galloway

After a successful career in marketing and advertising, Angela Galloway devoted the majority of the last nineteen years to be support crew for a partner and two kids across three states and two countries. Now, as she emerges from the haze of ‘domestic pit alley’ she is faced with the familiar dilemma of trying to rediscover and reinvent in preparation for the the next half century. She has returned to her love for writing to help with this process (and as a cheap form of therapy!) Be inspired by her regular stories as she travels the world and writes a regular travel journal on her mid-life Gap Year for The Carousel.


By Angela Galloway

Lifestyle Editor

After a successful career in marketing and advertising, Angela Galloway devoted the majority of the last nineteen years to be support crew for a partner and two kids across three states and two countries. Now, as she emerges from the haze of ‘domestic pit alley’ she is faced with the familiar dilemma of trying to rediscover and reinvent in preparation for the the next half century. She has returned to her love for writing to help with this process (and as a cheap form of therapy!) Be inspired by her regular stories as she travels the world and writes a regular travel journal on her mid-life Gap Year for The Carousel.



The Carousel
