Over the course of our lives, we go through a number of significant transitioning periods. Going to school, primary to secondary, leaving school, going to University / getting a job / doing some study, getting promoted, changing jobs, starting your own business, children, selling your business and retirement; how many of these areas do we really plan for and if we do how many of us leave it to the last minute and hope we can get things in place?
Transitioning means change and uncertainty – something that most can find challenging even though it is inevitable. But it also means an opportunity to have new beginnings, new experiences, meet new people, take on more flexibility to include those things you hadn’t had time to experience previously.
So why do most of us leave our planning until the last moment? We either don’t want to believe that our current situation will end or we get wrapped up in the now and take both eyes off what’s next.

Here are 3 tips to help you transition into what’s next:
- What direction – getting clear on what your next chapter includes will allow you to start thinking of what you want it to look like. Being a step ahead in your thinking will allow you to take opportunities and build relationships that will help you in that next stage.
- Structure = Freedom – set out a plan for what you need in the next phase of your journey. Having some structure will actually give you more freedom, affording you the flexibility to take on more opportunities
- Start now – waiting until you are forced to transition is too late. Start putting a succession plan in place now to ensure you can be ready for what’s next before you have to step in the next stage.
Getting a jump on what’s next will set yourself up to have a more successful and enjoyable journey. Whether it’s into a new role, putting on your future leaders and training them so you can work “on the business”, or planning for retirement, starting now will get you ready for what’s next.
If this is you and you want to be proactive on this let us know at strategy@mentorisgroup.com.au
Have an awesome week!