How Tapping Into Your Intuition Helps You Make The Right Choice

Today’s modern world overwhelms us daily with more information to process than ever before.  Having the ability to tap into your intuition to make the right choices has never been more important. Intuition is your number one greatest ally to you making more right choices quickly, when you need it most. 

Intuition is taking a few moments out to really connect to yourself. Now is the time to listen and just be with you. Your own truth, thoughts, emotions, your body and your experiences. Intuition is an inner knowing, a deep feeling in your heart and your gut that something feels right or wrong. Intuition shares with you what you are experiencing deep within. As your intuition grows you will hear, feel and experience your intuition guiding you. A gentle whisper at first and as you use it more it becomes ever stronger. Imagine the clarity and self confidence you will experience as your intuition becomes your greatest friend.

Follow this 5 step process to help you strengthen your intuition to make more right choices:

Step 1. Accept – where you are right now

Harvard Medical school tell us that ‘stress puts the body and the mind on edge. It floods the body with stress hormones. The heart pounds. Muscles tense. Breathing quickens. The stomach churns.’ Anxiety, stress and overwhelm today, is the major road block to living a fulfilling life, relationships, family, career or business.The best time to listen to your intuition is right now. It’s time to live your life aligned with your greatest passions and values as you always intended.  Before you can make more right choices in your life, you have to be honest with yourself, like never before. 

Step 2. Clarity – of what you really want 

Clarity is key to you making the best choice possible. It’s time now to be still and take some much needed time out just for you.

It can be a few moments, minutes or even more. You can do this sitting anywhere quietly or even lying down. Allow all of your thoughts to surface. Positive, negative and neutral. The next step, is to use your minds eye to scan your body from head to toe. Now give gently permission for all of your emotions to present themselves. Again, Positive, negative and neutral. After following each of these steps, it’s time to take a few deep breaths and let go. Visualize your thoughts and let go of all your emotions, good or bad gently letting go into the earth.

Step 3. Love – based decisions are best

You can’t love any one else if you can’t love yourself. It’s time to check in with your heart.  Does it feel light, does it feel heavy, does feel blocked, does it feel numb. 

 Who do you love the most in your life? Now imagine that person, partner or child, or who  you love unconditionally. Your parents, best friend, your favorite animal, the universe or (God). Now slowly breath in and gently raise your loving vibration in your heart, with love for you. Making choices based from love, instead of reacting with fear, will draw better outcomes especially for your most important choices.

Step 4. Choose – Make your best choice and be proud of it

How exciting. It’s time to tune into your most important choice right now.  Start by feeling your heart, does it feel best to plan for a holiday this year or is it best to build your finances up to buy your dream home? The next place to check in with is your gut. Does your gut feel light or does it feel heavy?  Now go with that feeling in your heart and your gut. If it feels right trust yourself and do it. 

Step 5. Trust – you have made the right decision 

Well done. You have made your choice. The hardest part is over. It takes courage to follow through and trust your intuition to get you from where you are right now to where you truly want to be. Stick by your choice. You can always change your mind in the future and make another choice.  Follow your intuition and what (your heart) is telling you in this moment. 

Remember, your intuition is telling you what your best choice is for today. Stay open and trust. Now it’s time to back your self and your intuition to make better decisions than ever before. 

The Carousel would like to thank Craigh Wilson for this article.

Craigh Wilson is an experienced intuitive with over 30 years’ experience. A sought-after author, intuitive, mentor and international key note speaker and media contributor, he offers smart, realistic and powerful transformational solutions for people to business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders of Fortune 500 companies in over 110 countries around the world. Find out more about Craigh and his international best selling book, Intuitive, at www.craighwilson.comand download the Craigh Wilson Intuitive App on iTunes or Google play

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.

The Carousel: The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.
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