Australian clean beauty company Flora Remedia Maddy Daisy takes a look at 5 ways to keep your emotions balanced when trouble strikes.
How very pertinent that I write this just as announced my state will be locked in our homes for the foreseeable future. Keeping calm and feeling balanced is pretty much the opposite of what many Victorian’s feel right now, so how do we feel grounded again when we feel out of control? It’s a trying time for everyone on planet earth right now and quite frankly – sometimes some replacing breathing techniques and yoga, just doesn’t cut it.
These five techniques can be used in conjunction with one another or of course, alone if you feel like you don’t need to experiment with more than one or two. They are all gentle therapies you can engage within the comfort of your own home too.

Self-care at home
There’s never been a better time to indulge in some at-home DIY beauty therapies. Just because you might not be able to get a professional facial anymore, doesn’t mean you have to miss out entirely.
Creativity is a great remedy for stress. You’ll find you probably have plenty of ingredients in your pantry or fridge to be able to make a body scrub or facial, and it’s a great way to take your mind off things.
Try this soothing honey and turmeric face mask which works wonder for irritated skin.
Combine 1 tbsp of honey and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric.
Leave on your face for ten minutes before gently removing.
Essential oils
It would be remiss of me not to mention my all-time favourite emotion balancing tip. After all – I did build my entire business based on my belief of the power of essential oils. A little goes a long way with essential oils and there are plenty of ways you can incorporate them into your life. I would recommend choosing a pre-blended oil, as doing it yourself can get a little difficult.
Here are my favourite calming oils.
Rose geranium: I fell in love with this oil and I knew it was going to be a bestseller when I added it to my Calm Roll-On for Flora Remedia. The scent is warm, feminine and uplifting. I have always said it feels like a little hug in a bottle.
Lavender: Not a surprising one for this list, but it is more versatile than you may think. It’s great for your hair when diluted in base oils. You can use lavender oil in a diffuser of course, but its also great to throw a couple of drops on your shower floor before you jump in, or add some to your bath.
Chamomile: Yes – this is the same flower as the tea. The oil is more known for its therapeutic benefits rather than its scent profile. It works especially well when teamed up with lavender. I love making a little pillow spray combining both oils.

Before I mention vitamins – I must say that I have had amazing success with using flower essences to help me feel my best emotionally. You can buy them from health food stores. These little tinctures work subtly but I find them to be very powerful at the same time.
As for what works for me, I have found Ashwagandha makes a real difference in stress levels. I add a teaspoon to my morning smoothie. It’s an Ayurvedic adaptogenic herb. The flavour isn’t great so you might want to try the capsules rather than the straight powder!
Medical advice and therapy
When all else fails and you’re finding yourself bogged in a hole of bad feels then it’s worth finding a great doctor who can help you figure out if other more medicine based options are needed for you at the time. Therapy and counselling are incredibly effective at helping you work through both situational and chronic triggers that are causing you to feel anxious and stressed out. You might need to try several therapists before you find the right one for you.

Mindset does control you, so when you are faced with adversity, try to see things as they are, not worse than they are. Humans have a funny way of getting caught in our heads sometimes and not being able to see the big picture. I find meditation helps with correcting my mindset, but you do have to just put in the hard yards and direct your thoughts to ones that feel better sometimes.
Maddy Daisy (maddy.daisy) is the owner of Australian clean beauty company Flora Remedia (@flora_remedia) and the author of The Botanical Beauty Hunter, a wellness book due to be released in one month.