If you’ve unintentionally added a few layers of winter padding but are ready to shed the pounds and spring into action with a healthy eating plan, Magda Szubanksi has few tips for you…
Put your hand up if you’ve succumbed to one too many winter comfort foods? Not surprisingly, winter marks the return of unwanted kilograms for many Australians. As the days get shorter, the cold dark nights get longer and we are tempted at every turn to indulge in comfort foods and couch potato behavior. Magda Szubanksi, who is back on the Jenny Craig program, has a few tried and tested tips for staying motivated during the colder months.
“Winter is always a hard time to keep motivated,” explains Magda. “Who wants to go outside and exercise in the cold? Who wants to eat salad? So this year, like a good little squirrel, I am preparing for winter – lots of stomach warming soups using my free foods, and using an indoor bike at the gym. To keep myself motivated I have put up a photo of myself when I was in Italy with Gina and Jane filming Kath and Kimderella. I was so fit then I could walk for miles around Rome without getting tired!
That’s the kind of life I want back!” Madga, together with Jenny Craig, is challenging Australians to start strengthening themselves mentally against the impending chill and its devilish temptations to help keep everyone’s immune system and bodies in tiptop shape this season. Here’s their tips and a tasty soup recipe from the Jenny Craig Cookbook to replace some of those unhealthy winter food choices with…
Magda’s Checklist
Courtesy of Jenny Craig Nutrition & Program Development Manager, Jemma O’Hanlon.
MAKE THE SOUP! Sweet potato and pear soup
Serves 4
Prep time 15 mins
Cooking time 35 mins
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small white onion, finely chopped
750 g sweet potato, peeled and chopped into 2 cm chunks
2 firm pears, peeled, cored and cut into 2 cm chunks
750 ml salt-reduced chicken or vegetable stock
1/2 cup low-fat natural yoghurt
4 teaspoons pepita seeds, to garnish
1 Place the oil in a saucepan over medium heat, add the onion and cook for 2-3 minutes, or until softened but not brown. Add the sweet potato and pear, and cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes. Add the stock, bring to the boil, and then cook for 20 minutes, or until the sweet potato and pear are soft.
2 Cool slightly, then place the mixture in a food processor and blend in batches until smooth. Return to the pan, stir in the yoghurt and then gently reheat without boiling. Season with black pepper. Garnish with pepita seeds.
Cook’s Notes: This soup can be frozen before yoghurt and pepita seeds are added.
About Magda & Jenny Graig
Magda Szubanksi is a highly acclaimed Australian actress and ambassador for Jenny Craig. Jenny Craig provide nutritionally balanced menus planned by a team of expert Accredited Practicing Dietitians, as well as personalised consultants, making sure that everyone is getting the diet and support they need to make it through the winter months.
Have you tried Jenny Graig’s Sweet potato and pear soup? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
This post was last modified on 04/05/2020 5:38 pm