How To Create The Perfect Fish Pose Yoga Move

Fish pose
Trudy Vains

Yoga Expert

Jun 16, 2022


Matsya = Fish

Asana = Pose

Fish Pose is a gentle (yet strong) beneficial pose that stretches and lengthens the whole body.  It’s an incredible pose which allows for more calm breathing, which in turn, relieves stress or tension.  Fish Pose also aids to open and release blocked energy, so that your energy streamlines from head to toe, so you can feel lighter as if floating on an ocean wave ride without any worries about the external world.

How Fish Pose helps your lungs.

Fish Pose is a yoga pose that opens your chest and lungs. It helps to improve breathing, asthma status or respiratory issues, by opening up the area around one’s heart and lungs for more airflow while providing deep relaxation in other parts of their body as well!

How Fish Pose helps with calming and Centring.

Fish Pose not only facilitates the breathing process and manages anxiety but also stimulates our Crown Chakra, making it easier for us to calm down when we’re feeling stressed. After practicing this asana your mind will be at peace with itself because of how relaxed you feel in both body AND spirit!


•          Stretches your whole body, especially your neck and shoulders.

•          Opens the chest and Heart Chakra.

•          Strengthens and lengthens the back muscles.

•          Has calming and soothing properties.

•          Releases tension and anxiety.

•          Can help with ease of constipation.

•          May aide with respiratory ailments.

•          Helps to rid of fatigue.

•          May improve posture.

There are a few ways to make this pose comfortable for yourself.  Here is the traditional way –

How To Get There;

  • Lay on your back, knees bent and feet on the floor.
  • Slide your hands underneath your buttocks, palms face down.
  • Be sure to tuck your forearms and elbows up close to ribcage area.
  • Press your forearms and elbows firmly against the floor.
  • Arch your back, puff your chest high, lean your head back, and rest the crown of your head on the floor.
  • Your chest is high and lungs are open, so use a long and deep breathing technique.
  • Stay here for 15-30 seconds

To come out of the pose;

Press strongly into your forearms and raise your head off the floor. Then release your upper body to the mat.


If you feel too much pressure on neck and head, please remove yourself from the pose, or use props such as a block, or even a thickly folded blanket, just under the back of your head.

For an easier back arch, or if you have shoulder issues, place a rolled-up blanket, or a bolster (long ways) underneath your middle to upper back, then place a yoga block under your head.

Your legs can be in a couple of different positions, you can have knees bent and feet on the floor, extend legs out in front, or cross your legs.  Either way you will feel the delicious benefits of this pose.

Fish Pose can also help with the deepening of similar poses such as;



Bow Pose


Avoid Fish pose if you have back and neck injuries.

High or low blood pressure.




Enjoy this pose, it can be challenging at times, but be gentle with yourself.

Always be kind to yourself, move with ease and grace.  You are the most important person in your life.


Trudy Vains

Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and APP creator. Trudy’s book, 'Fused,' provides inspiration and a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Trudy’s APP - 'Back Happy Yoga,' provides classes for mobility issues, back aches and pains, and stretches you can do at your desk.


By Trudy Vains

Yoga Expert

Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and APP creator. Trudy’s book, 'Fused,' provides inspiration and a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Trudy’s APP - 'Back Happy Yoga,' provides classes for mobility issues, back aches and pains, and stretches you can do at your desk.



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