Emotional De-Cluttering – 5 Steps To A Calmer Life

Emotional de-cluttering can be hard work, but it is very necessary from time to time. It is a great way to cleanse the mind, body, and soul. As humans we are very emotional beings. It is our birthright to experience this.  Without emotions there would be no connection to others, no feelings … how boring would that be?

The key in life is that you are emotionally happy.

5 Tips Emotional De-Cluttering

Dealing with our emotions can be hard work, but very necessary. This is called Emotional De-Cluttering. It is a great way to cleanse the mind, body, and soul. This leaves more room for clearer thoughts, happiness, and broader perspectives.

1. Check That You Are Happy With Your Life Path And Future Views?

If you had a crystal ball and could see your future, what would it look like?  Make it up, write it down, envision it, and make it achievable with the right mindset and map-out.

You may even find that your mind wanders to a change of career. Or you may think about studying to gain a new skill. Whatever or wherever it is, simply write it down.  Empower your thoughts and emotions – allow them to manifest.

What could you change?  Start with something small, watch and feel your emotions shift. This is a great way of using emotional de-cluttering to clear the path ahead of you.

2. Create a Pro-Con List

This is great for all areas in life – work, relationships, travel, or self. It’s a great exercise in self-discovery and once you implement this method of emotional de-cluttering, you will notice changes start to happen quickly.

Let’s start with friendships

We are drawn to the people that we need, at certain times in our lives, and friends do come and go.  Some of them can be hard work emotionally, and others are a breeze.

Use your Pro-Con list to ask yourself if a certain friend:

  • Takes your time and space seriously?
  • Leaves you feeling tired?
  • Tells you all their problems and then leaves?
  • Is there for you when you need them?

Use these answers as a way of pruning your friendship tree, for your emotional betterment. When we ‘prune’ we aren’t calling people on the phone and saying we no longer want to be friends, its simply saying to yourself, ‘I let this person go emotionally, so that we both can find the peace that we deserve in life’.

3. Have A Good Cry

A good cry is healthy and its releases so much emotion, particularly when there is pent up energy, thoughts, words, actions, or grief.  Find a safe space and when the need arises, just cry, let it happen.  This is very therapeutic, and a very good method of emotional de-cluttering.

4. Letter Writing

We all have past trauma or upset. Things may happen in life that we don’t forget in our sub-conscious, or that we find are too hard to deal with emotionally.

Put all of your thoughts and emotions into that letter. Do not send or give the letter to anyone, and do not keep it either.  Release it. Find a safe place to dispose of it, perhaps use a shredder, tear it up, however you feel would be best.

5. Be aware of your emotions from this point in time

Even with these tips, it is still essentially up to us to make our own emotional happiness.  If you start to feel like something is not right, change what is happening. Walk away, speak up, or write something down.

Only you can do this, and it truly is an empowering process. These simple steps of emotional de-cluttering will help bring a wonderful sense of calm into your life.

The Carousel would like to thank Trudy Vains for her article.

About Trudy Vains

Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and Spine Fusion Warrior. 

Trudy’s book “Fused” provides inspiration and reassurance to those facing spine surgery, as well as many examples of the importance of a positive mindset in overcoming challenges.

Trudy Vains

Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and APP creator. Trudy’s book, 'Fused,' provides inspiration and a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Trudy’s APP - 'Back Happy Yoga,' provides classes for mobility issues, back aches and pains, and stretches you can do at your desk.

This post was last modified on 20/09/2021 2:44 am

Trudy Vains: Trudy Vains is an Author, Yoga Teacher, and APP creator. Trudy’s book, 'Fused,' provides inspiration and a positive mindset in overcoming challenges. Trudy’s APP - 'Back Happy Yoga,' provides classes for mobility issues, back aches and pains, and stretches you can do at your desk.
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