Why Young Australians Should Explore Their Own Backyard

The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Mar 24, 2017

Finally relishing in and exploring the attractions that were previously taken for granted by the same group of travellers.

To give you some wander lusting inspiration from the bush to the beach, we uncover the reasons Australia is the must-do destination for young people and why it’s perfect for a staycation this year.

The ‘A’ in Australia stands for Adventure!

We often think our greatest adventures as those away from home. But more and more young Australians are realising their most Insta-worthy pics are right in their own backyard. Stretching their legs on a weekend hike along the coastal cliff faces on the east coast, taking a dive in the world’s biggest barrier reef in Far North Queensland, visiting the 12 Apostles or seeing the spiritual Uluru – one thing they’ll never be is bored!

Prudence Warren, regular adventurer recounts her highlight on the Rock ‘n’ Canyon Topdeck Travel tour she took a few short months ago: “driving up front on the Topdeck coach with my awesome trip leader next to me through the national park and looking ahead and seeing Uluru was definitely the highlight of my trip” she says. “This was topped off by watching the sunset over Uluru, showing off all the different colours it threw. I highly recommend this experience – and seeing Australia – to all!” Prue concludes.

Uluru, a good reason for Young Australians to Explore australia
Prudence Warren, on a trip in Ayers Rock, NT

Time is of the essence

If you are a little low on annual leave then why not make the most of a short trip teamed with a few public holidays to keep even more holiday time up your sleeve. Not only is Australia full of vast experiences, it’s also literally on your doorstep which cuts out the travelling time!

What’s more, you can maximise your long weekends by getting your friends together and exploring a new city in just a few short days. Head to the top-end for a four-day short tour of some of Australia’s most notable icons or explore a new city and amongst trying out the local restaurants, shop up a storm.

Another bonus of a domestic trip? You don’t have to fight jet-lag, carry heavy luggage, exchange money or learn a new language, g’day mate will do just fine!

You can simply enjoy the moment

As you are familiar with the custom, language and way of life, all you need do is relax and marvel at the beauty of your own country’s landscape and history.

Explore the beautiful Blue Mountains, discover and enjoy the sweeping views of Mt Gambier or count the Apostles with your friends. There really is a diverse range of landmarks and monuments that everyone should see in their lifetime.

The best part about it? Nothing gets lost in translation! You can lose track of time and simply just enjoy the moment.

Appreciate your home, girt by Sea

Viewing your home land through a different lens can put into perspective how lucky you are to live in such a beautiful and interesting country. Explore what you once took for granted; the great red Rock, our native animals and even the weather!

As Australians, we should celebrate that people from all over the world are travelling across oceans to experience what we can explore on the daily (if you didn’t have a job that is).

“Being able to walk around the base of the rock listening to all kinds of aboriginal stories was definitely eye opening to say the least”, Prue says. “It gave me the chance to appreciate and learn the history of this culture, which opened my eyes about the land we share as fellow Aussie’s and with people from all over the world!

Young Australians Should Appreciate their home girt by sea

Future, Present and Past Connections

Whilst you might laugh at your pop’s stories on trekking Australia at 80km/ hour in an old caravan, you will learn to relate with their stories by making your own memories of your trip! You are fellow travellers of Australia, and like a secret club you can connect with their own stories on a deeper level – because now you have memories of your own.

Australia may be vast but you will never feel alone. On your tour you will meet many backpackers originating from France, Germany and Italy. It is your job to create friendships on the basis of our rich culture by educating them on Kylie, Barnesy and Acca Dacca.

Future Present and Past Connections exploring australia

It goes without saying that travelling Australia includes a whole lot of freedom, serenity and beauty.

The Carousel

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.


By The Carousel The Carousel has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

The Carousel is devoted to inspiring you to live your best life - emotionally, physically, and sustainably.



The Carousel
