The rooftop setting in Surry Hills, Sydney, set the scene for a stylish launch of the new Fitbit Inspire HR.
The new range of accessories developed by the brand were as fashionable as the Fitbit watch itself with its elegant print bands, from leather double wraps to stainless steel mesh. I have always had two watches: one for work with a stainless steel bracelet and my classic Fitbit Alta HR for my running sessions. So suffice to say I was already something of a convert.
The ability to mix a stylish aspect and good tech is what was most appealing for me. Who doesn’t want a trendy and fashionable solution in a watch that doubles to help improve your health?
Upon my arrival, I was given the Fitbit Inspire HR and asked to download the app (you can’t use a Fitbit without doing that).

The objective was to test it out during a workout session with Britney Cutts (@brittactive on Instagram), a Health and Fitness Professional and Influencer, over a period of about 20 minutes. Exercises from burpees, rising knees to planks were performed to ensure we had an elevated heart rate in order to observe directly how our heartbeat increased on our Fitbit. The coach challenged us to stretch ourselves further, guided by our watch giving real time feedback on our heartbeat and then check our resting heart rate during a calming guided breathing session.
It’s important to enjoy moments of calm throughout the day and being able to monitor this with your Fitbit makes you feel more aware of how you are travelling and puts you back in control of your health. You can even set up the time you want to dedicate to this.
Fitbit’s objective is to expand more into healthcare and to play a key role in helping with obesity prevention especially given that almost 2 in 3 Australian adults are overweight or obese and 1 in 4 Australian Children.
Hence the launch of Ace 2 setting step challenges for children to help parents become more aware of their young one’s level of activity.
Fitbit is definitely for everyone and every-body. Not only fit and sportive types.
Knowing what’s happening inside our body is vital.
There are plenty of examples where people suffering from illnesses such as Diabetes use Fitbit to look after their health better and reduce their symptoms.
Many users draw their strength from Fitbit’s strong community of 27.6 millions active users.
More than just a sport device, it’s about helping you increase your mental and physical well-being by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Pros and Cons of the Fitbit Inspire HR :
+++ :
- great responsiveness of HR tracking
- swim-proof
- you can add 15 activities and 6 are already uploaded: these include activities such as running, cycling, swimming, treadmill, weights and intervals.
- relaxation guided breathing sessions. We are often told that taking some breaks or time to meditate and I find this feature very easy to use and helpful.
- fashionable with a large choice of bracelets (printed, double wrap leather, stainless steel)
- Clock Face is customisable like a helpful stats clock face for workouts or a polished clock face for work.
— :
- touchscreen display not very intuitive at first sight, you have to be curious and scrolling up, down, from left to right, using the left side button… As there is no operating instructions in the packaging, you have to discover it by yourself and be curious.
- many features require your phone by your side (notifications, real-time pace and distance)
Fitbit Inspire and Inspire HR, Ace 2 and Fitbit Versa Lite are all available in pre-order on Fitbit website.
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